Thursday, April 27, 2006


Well, I went to the circus last night folks. That´s right, I said circus. I haven´t been to the circus since I was ten years old. I used to go every year in FL while visiting my grandparents on spring break. I remember getting my face painted to look like a cat and I felt like the coolest person in the world. Well, considering that I am the coolest person in the world, I was reminded of it on that particular night! So ya, during Feria there is a world circus here. It was actually very good. Lions, elephants, camels, tumblers, clowns, midgets and beard faced ladies, you name it they came. I tried to take some pics but I didn´t do a very good job. I´ll enclose one or two if you´re lucky.

I was sitting drinking a coke with Antonio today at a café and there were grandparents with their granddaughter. Well, the grandma went to get McDonalds for her granddaughter right across the street, so this means grandpa was left alone with four year old granddaughter for a few minutes. So, what does he do...drum roll please.

He gives her sips of BEER that he is so pleasantly enjoying so of course he wanted to share with his FOUR year old g dot. What was he thinking? ¨What do I do with her to pass the time, I know, I´ll give her BEER!¨ So, he gives her a sip and he goes, ¨Do you like it?¨ and she goes ¨YES!¨ So, he gives her more!! I think A´s and my eyes popped out of our heads at that point in time. Life just can´t get any better than this. Well, if she suddenly becomes an alcoholic at age nine the least he could do is pay for her AA meetings.

Starbucks has new flavors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got so excited when I walked in the door and I saw signs for ¨banana cream frappucino¨ I knocked over all of the mugs on the display shelf. HAHA!! It was pretty much amazing because everyone stopped what they were doing to look at me and at that very moment I wanted to scream, ¨I´m an American so throw me a frickin bone here! ¨ But, I don´t know how to say frickin so I just said ¨sorry¨ instead and REALLY enjoyed my banana cream frapp.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Feria 1

YA! It´s Feria time here in Sevilla! It started yesterday but I did my big debut today.
All you need is a horse, a tent with alcohol and music and a fantastic dress!

It was ladies day today so I went with A´s mom and some of her friends. I have no idea to dance Sevillana (yet) but I will. At any rate, I was forced to try and I made a fool of myself, but hey, that´s life.

Here´s me........

Monday, April 24, 2006


Apparently I turned into gumby over the weekend. I woke up in the middle of the night and my legs were twisted around each other so many times I find no other explanation. I had to scrape my skin to see if green crumbled off.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

crash landing.

Yesterday I fell flat on my face (well, i landed on both kneecaps first and then my face) Antonio and I were racing to get the same chair and splat. Now I know why my parents were always telling me to not run in the house.

A´s mom was sitting at the table eating and here I come zooming around the corner and splat on the floor like road kill. Of course she´s being over dramatic and thinking I´m going to die because I was just laying there. It really did hurt though.

So, I finally mustered up the courage to get up and get to my beloved chair and she starts lifting my pant legs up to see my knees. AH! Instead of worrying about my kneecap that´s dangling by a vein I´m worried that I have ¨prickly legs¨ WHY does this always happen? I´m an avid shaver I really am and the only times when I get a little lazy are when my legs are ALWAYS exposed. WHY does this happen? So, she saw my hairy legs and my dangling knee caps but she still loves me anyways.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sb makeout!

I picked up my Feria dress today. It´s beautiful!! I´ll post pics when I actually wear it. I had it made especially for me. I´ve never done anything like that before. It was a bit interesting sharing my Victorias Secret with this lady, but hey, it was worth it in the end.

I also tried to pick up some health ins. while I was out, since I don´t have any and if anything happens I´m screwed. Ya, big surprise, I have to have my residency card........LEPER! I never reccomend anyone moving to another country without papers. It´s hell on earth. Or pretty close to it I imagine.

Yesterday at Starbucks 2 men were making out next to me. This made it very difficult to enjoy my caramel frappucino and daily newspaper. I kept hearing the kissy noise. I mean, when did become OK to make out in public? I don´t care if u are gay or not, I don´t necessarily want to see anyone making out and RUINING my 3.50 euro drink. I´m not ms. money bags u know.

Trying to get a tkt. home for the summer...over 1000 dollars. How did this happen?

This is what A and I do with the dog when we are bored. As u can see from the expression on her face, she loves it!

Humps away,

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Well, Semana Santa is officially over. Sad, but true. But, no worries, there is another huge festival coming up just this weekend. Here in Spain we can´t handle too many work weeks at one time! I love it! You know what they Spain they work to live and in the states they live to work!

I spent a lot of time at the campo and I continue my driving lessons (stick) I have to admit, it´s embarrassingly difficult for me. I have been driving for almost 10 yrs with TWO pedals. This whole third pedal thing is really throwing me for a loop. It doesn´t help that I´m learning how to drive in the middle of nowhere land where there are pot holes the size of small volcanos. Not to mention the sheep, dogs, horses and whatever other wildlife that decides to frighten me with their presence. I was doing so well putting along in first gear (that´s another thing, I can never go fast enough to get past second gear because of the volcanic potholes!) and all of the sudden this gigantuos german shepard started barking and running alongside the car. I was screaming and trying to drive. Hey man, it´s difficult when you don´t really know what you´re doing and a gigantic german shepard is wanting to bite your face off. Thank Goodness I didn´t stop! I think I¨m finally getting though. Let the lessons continue..

We took a 3 hour walk and it was a gorgeous day. The sun is out and spring is here!

Oh, by the way go see the movie Ice Age 2. It´s hilarious!

Hope u had a good Easter. I have to go enjoy the pop tarts, people magazine, and cadburry eggs my mom just sent me. HEAVEN!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Semana Santa Part 2

Like the April fair, Semana Santa (holy week/easter) has been one of the most important celebrations in Seville since centuries.The Cofradías (Brotherhoods or Fraternities) process in penitence through the (many narrow) streets of the city, from their church to the Cathedral and back, taking the shortest possible route, as decreed in the rule of the ordinances by Cardenal Niño de Guevara in the 17th century.

Most brotherhoods carry two floats: a float with a Christ, representing the distinct stages of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christand a float with a Dolorosa (Mary the Virgin in pain) under a canopy.Some brotherhoods even carry three floats, like the so-called: El Amor, La Cena, San Benito, or la Trinidad, others have just one like Santa Marta, La Quinta Angustia, la Soledad de San Buenaventura, or la Soledad de San Lorenzo.Resuming, in the eight days of Semana Santa, a total of 57 brotherhoods, carry their 116 floats from their church to the Cathedral and back, in the company of around 60,000 brothers participating in their different appearances:
Nazarenos (Nazarenes)
Costaleros (float carriers)

The number of spectators may rise up to the impressing number of one million people during the most important moments of Semana Santa in Seville: the early morning of Good Friday which is when the brotherhoods of el Silencio, el Gran Poder, La Macarena, El Calvario, La Esperanza de Triana and los Gitanos set off for their processional penitence to the Cathedral.

I got this info from this site..

I would not be surprised if there were 1 million people here last night. Yesterday, was the early morning of Good Friday and I saw ¨La Esperanza de Triana¨ Can I just say amazing? I didn´t get home until 630 a.m. The streets are VERY narrow and you go and wait for about 2 hours where the float is going to pass by. We were located on a st. corner and they usually turn the lights off so you can see the candles better and it´s much prettier. Well, all of the sudden these spotlights turned on and these people were throwing flower pedals onto the float from their balconies..thousands and thousands of flower petals. It was raining was breathtaking. Then, when the float passes by everyone is silent. 1 million people..silent. Hard to believe, but true.

It just seems to cheapen it when I write it down in words. It´s amazing and I guarantee you you´ve never seen anything like it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Semana Santa Part 1

I recently made a list of wedding and baby presents I have to buy. The total is a whopping SEVEN baby gifts and 3 wedding gifts. I might be dried up by the time I actually want to reproduce. Just trying to save a friend a buck.

It´s Semana Santa here in Spain. Holy week. Which means my bedtime is usally 2am, there are zillions of people in the city from all over the world, and it´s AMAZING. It´s just something you have to see.

I can´t really describe Semana Santa that well for you, it´s just something you have to see with your own 2 pupils. I can tell you however, that I usually feel like a sardine...perhaps even a fondled one. It´s nearly impossible to walk and ¨walking¨is basically shuffling like a 90 yr old with a bad hip. And, while walking you are being bounced pack and forth like a ping pong ball and people are touching you that you don´t know from Adam. The other night a mans sweaty, hot, hairy arm touched mine. It gave me the willies. And then I punched him.

There are ¨floats¨ with the Virgin and Jesus and they weigh a zillion pounds. There are forty to fifty men underneath each one carrying it and they can´t see where they are going, so they are being guided by a nice man in the front. They hold these floats up with the little sticking out bones on our necks. Ouch.

There is a band for each ¨float¨ and there are people that seriously wear KKK outfits..but it doesn´t have anything to do with what we would relate it to. So, when I see these KKK outfit people I think of burning crosses and hatred ...but it´s peace and love. Oh, the irony.
I´ll write more about this later.

As we were walking home one night a very drunk old man started mumbling something and then he goes PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrr with his mouth like a big fart. I couldn´t help but laugh. He fart noised me!!

The basketball-flute playing has got to stop at four am. Who are these people??

I recently had a weird experience at the gym. There is this machine where there are four different stations. So, I was sitting down working my arms, and there was a man directly across from me working his triceps. It´s sort of like the row machine. At any rate, he was pulling and heaving and grunting..and I was sitting DIRECTLY across from him as he heaved and huffed. I couldn´t handle it and I just burst out in full fledged laughter. And then I ran..far far away.


Ps. after several months of blogging I´m just now figuring out how to post pics. Idiot=me.

Monday, April 10, 2006

leather bags

I just got done staring at myself in the mirror and I have to report..I have WRINKLES on my forehead. This is not good. ..and they aren´t going anywhere any time soon. In fact, it´s only going to get worse. I´m only 25. How did I get wrinkles and WHEN did this happen? Ugh.

Botox, here I come! (not really)

But, it´s nice to know I have that option.

Forever sunless,

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Check up on it

I have a noticeably larger amount of wax on my Q tips lately. What does this mean?

It´s been almost an entire week since I´ve posted. Shocking, I know. I suppose it´s because A was gone for the entire week and I was in a sort of semi mourning state. He´s back now though..Thank God. I have no idea how we used to be apart for five months at a time. (ick, I sound like THAT Girl) He went to Bilbao (N. Spain) for a week for job training where the minimum speed limit is 90 mph.

I tried to keep myself busy by going to Starbucks and plucking my nose hairs.

Wed through Fri I was in Málaga, Spain where I used to live. I went back to visit a few friends. It was beautiful, oh how I miss the beach! My friends daughter is 9 mths. old now and she was 2 mths. old the last time I saw her. She´s adorable. She has two little teeth on the bottom and she does this super cheese smile like ¨Look at me! I have TWO whole teeth!¨ We were in a restaurant eating some breakfast (her daughter has earrings, and was playing with a doll) these 2 grandmas come up and goes ¨Is this a boy or a girl?¨ Hmm..didn´t the earrings, doll, and pink clothing give it away??

There have been 2 incidents lately with Spanish. 1) Asking for the bill....I said, ¨Can I have the bill?¨ And he goes ¨Can I have the bill PLEASE¨ First of all, no one says please here, second of all ..Thanks DAD! 2)My friend was asking for some bread at a gas station. There were 2 men working and she said what she needed to say, then he repeated it to his friend (totally making fun of her accent) So, she asked him, ¨Are you making fun of me?¨ He goes, ¨Well, YES¨ Ok then. She told her husband in the car and he almost went in and beat his face in, but guys like that just aren´t worth it. I wanted to tell him to come to the States and then we´d see who has the accent.

A and I were just dancing in his room and the dog was just sitting there staring at us. Then she wanted to join in. She´s currently sitting and staring at herself in the mirror. She´s gone poop in the house the past 2 days. NOT good!

Today is the start of Semana Santa..which is huge.......I¨ll write more about that later.

Until next time America,

Monday, April 03, 2006

My hips dont lie

Have you seen these ¨leashes¨ for children? What´s next..a choke collar?

Shakira has a Scottish accent while singing in Engl. Maybe she should just stick to the Spanish. I wonder if I have a Scottish accent while singing in Spanish? Hmm. Very interesting.

There was a billboard in IN that I saw on line that says (or something like that) and there are 2 pairs of feet that stick out of a blanket. 4 feet...and apparently people were offended by this. Come to Europe where you see NAKED people on a billboard and then we´ll talk. Do you think I enjoy seeing manparts on a daily basis? Well actually...

Today I helped a foreigner. I got a drink with a friend and this girl came up and was totally lost. She was studying abroad in Engl and is in Seville until Thur. She couldn´t find her hotel. My friend left and I couldn´t just leave this girl on her own, so I helped her track the place down. 45 min later she was happy and in her hotel. Maybe I should make that my permanent job. Just help people who look lost.

Antonio left for Bilbao today. Boo hoo. He´ll be back Fri though. I know, I know, you´re all so very concerned about my well being.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

bawk bawk

I watched my dog eat a boiled chickens head today. She crunched it like an extra cheesie dorito. Gulp. Beak and all.

Yesterday, as we sat down to eat lunch I kept getting a wiff of poop. It was odd. But, we continued the lunch anyways. Turns out, Chiqui (our dog) had a diarrhea attack on the balcony. We live on the fourth floor and it all sort of dripped down onto our neighbors balcony. Oops. I guess we should stop feeding her chicken heads.

Taking a walk yesterday looking at all of the beautiful scenery I noticed something that didn´t quite fit in like a flat girl at HOOTERS. It was a marijuana plant sitting on someones windowsill. Hmm. I wonder what they are going to be doing later tonight?

Recently, I found out that I could still check my aol e mail account, even though I don´t have AOL..I have AIM. At any rate, I had 5,000 e mails folks. Not even kidding. And the sad part...6 of them were good.

Top of the chickens head to ya