Thursday, September 11, 2014

Never Forget.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

School Days

My boo started her second year of pre-school today.

I was definitely more nervous than she was.

Same school, same kids in her class, just a different teacher and classroom.

I have no idea why but there is always some sense of melancholy that goes along with your child starting another year at school. Of course I am happy for her because she loves school but I always feel a sense of ¨pena¨ I can´t think of what this word is in English.

A sadness I guess because I have no control over what happens to her there, what others say to her or how others treat her.

I think it´s also sad because I know I am getting older and I feel like she was just born. How is she going to be FIVE soon?

Anywho, here is to a great second year of pre-school.


Thursday, September 04, 2014

No, I´m not but thanks for asking.

Well, I have already had two people ask me if I am pregnant today so you can imagine what kind of mood I am in.

Seriously? I have already stepped in a pile of dog shit and now this?

I have lived here for nearly TEN years and this is something that I will never get used to. People constantly reminding me of how I have belly fat. Okay I get it, my belly is fat. Understood. I know. Thanks for constantly just kicking the crap out of me when I´m down. Why don´t you just go ahead and stab my eye with that fork, rip all of my nails out and eyebrows off while you are at it?

Sometimes it´s like complete strangers that ask me that. STAY OUT OF MY DAMN BUSINESS! Why would you even CARE anyways!? I have no idea who you even are and you are asking me if I am pregnant? Does this make sense to anyone out there because it sure as hell does NOT to me.

And the thing that makes it worse than ever it that I desperately wish that it were true. I wish that I could say YES. But I can´t. Because I´m not. And who knows if I ever will be.

So no, lady and man that asked me if I was pregnant. No, I´m not.

It´s all the extra donuts, ice cream, pizza and alcohol that I consumed during my time in the USA.

They are called love handles.

And I am wearing them with pride.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Well, we are back in Spain after a wonderful sumer in the USA. Almost seven weeks there and busier than ever. I am thankful that N gets to do things that she would not be able to do here like go to the fair, gymnastics camp, camp at the YMCA, tubing, bowling, going to the zoo. You name it, we did it!

It´s nice to be able to show here where I come from and to have her do some of the same things that I did when I was growing up.

She will start her second year of pre school in one week and we are back to the grind.
Life passes you by. Try to have fun!