Friday, February 27, 2009

4 years

February 23rd marked my four year anniv. here in Spain. Happy Anniv to me! Holy cow I can't believe it's been four years. From living in Malaga to living with my inlaws to getting engaged then married to now having our own place and a job. It's been quite an adventure and through it all I've done it with my very bestest friend, my hubby. I thought I'd post a few pics going down memory lane all the way from 2004. Enjoy. Viva Espana!

Friday, February 20, 2009

typical male phone message....

Thursday, February 19, 2009


You know you fit into the culture when you can get into a verbal fight with someone on the bike. It´s like I passed my hazing test. Feb 23 marks my four year anniv. here. I´m in!

So, it was just so know how when you´re walking sometimes you are walking towards someone and they try to get out of your way but you both go the same direction? Well, that´s exactly what happened on the bike. No one´s fault, really. So, this girl, my age totally gave me attitude. I said, ¨oh my gosh¨ therefore she probably thought I had no clue how to speak Spanish. So she says JODER really loudly and sarcastically..which is basically like ¨F!!!!!¨ So, I said, basically the same thing and then she called me an asshole! GASP! This is where my claws come out. First of all I didnt even do anything and now you have the nerve to call me an asshole! I wanted to just slap the heck out of her right then and there. But then I said something like Vete a tu casa! Which is basically like means GO HOME...but it has some other meanings too. And then I sped away before she could stab me. YES!!!!! VICTORY!

PS. Yesterday my kids were writing jobs on the board and I showed them a pic of a dentist. One girl wrote denTIT. It´s just so sad because there she is looking up at me like ¨is this right¨ and i´m all ¨no, you forgot the S¨ trying my hardest not to even smile.....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I just woke up and I had a dream that a bee flew in my ear. So, I was really still and it wouldn't come out. So, I started to shake my head. I did that in real life and my earplugs flew out of my ears. ha!

Yesterday I saw a girl on a bike almost get hit by a car..she was right in front of me on the bike trial. The light was green for us and this guy comes roaring around the corner. So, when they both slam on their brakes he has the nerve to say it was her fault. Sometimes I wonder if certain people have brains.

In my teens class this boy never speaks. The only thing he says in English is, " the shit" and " shit" I try to ignore it because I feel like if I tell him not to say it he will say it even more. I wonder where he learned that? Kids these days.

Enclosed is a new pic of Charles. He's nearly 14 mths old and can pick himself up now. If we could just get him to walk...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy heart day.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, - I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,
I shall but thee better after death.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Birthday Boy

These pics I took of my dad crack me up. The top one is on summer vacation. Close up! The second one was also taken this summer. We had just eaten dinner and he fell asleep on the way home. Luckily he wasn´t driving:)
Happy Birthday papa! The big ........oh ok, I´ll keep it a secret. Have a great day! Love u.


Sunny and 65º for the next, oh, two weeks! Thank the Lord in Heaven above.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. The rain is gone and the sun is shining through. It´s like a big weight has been lifted off of everyone´s shoulders and spring is just around the corner.
Yesterday Spain played England here in Sevilla. Of course we won! Sometimes I don´t realize how lucky I am to live in such a magical place. What other city has thousands of Brits singing drunk in the middle of the day? My friend and I bought an icecream cone and sat and watched for awhile. Very high entertaining level.
ps. have you seen this clip?

Saturday, February 07, 2009


If you ever get bored are in need of some entertainment in your life hop on a city bus. Guaranteed good time...who knows who you will encounter. Today I walked all the way to the back of the bus and sat down...not looking at the guy already seated. Apparently he was crazy drunk and possibly homeless. First clue.....he blew his nose on his scarf. At least it wasn´t my scarf.

Just got back from seeing ¨The curious case of benjamin button¨ Wow.....EXCELLENT MOVIE. I have not seen a really good movie in a really long time. It was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SEE IT. Ok, that´s my plug. The movie just got over and it´two am. Yikes!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

rain rain go away

seriously, the rain can stop now. it´s been raining for like two weeks straight. AHHHHHHHHH
and w my personal taxi service gone this week (antonio) i have to walk everywhere and i´m getting soaked. boo hoo.

did you know that teaching teenage girls is like stepping into hell for an hour and a half? i want to slit my wrists.....and then cut off my head. that would prob be more pleasant than listening to them giggle for ninety minutes straight. i don´t get it. if i say any word at all like lets say WHITE they act like i just said ¨hairy balls¨ and laugh for a good ten min. straight. what the heck? did i used to be this idiotic? don´t answer that. how i am going to survive until june is beyond me!

lately teaching has been a downer because parents are like hawks and knit pick every little thing and then RIP out your heart and stomp on it. overall it´s a pretty great time!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Tuesday, February 03, 2009


It's Feb.....finally! Winter months are SO long, but here in Sevilla there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. Feb is the last of it and come March I'll be wearing a swimsuite like the lady I posted the other day......bwah!

So, I'm sitting here alone because A is gone in Ceuta this week for work. I was thinking about how before I got married I couldn't imagine being married......and now I could never imagine NOT being married. It's strange being here alone..and it's very quiet. I suppose you get used to having someone around and although at times they might annoy the CRAP out of NEED them to because it's fun.

The other day I was looking at A and thinking.......This marriage bit is so EASY....why do people fail at it all of the time? I get to hang out with my best friend, tell jokes, make fake dance parties, and wonderful memories for the rest of my life. What's so difficult about that? Maybe the hard times are yet to come ( I sure hope not) but in the meantime I'm enjoying the ride and waiting for my prince to get back home. Te quiero nene!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

rain rain go away

It´s supposed to rain for the next seven days;(

This weekend was fun........I love movies! We saw Doubt and Revolutionary Road.........Rev Rd. was good.........Doubt, not so much.

Yesterday we left the house at noon and got home at four am. Good times had by all!!!!!!!!

A leaves for Morocco tomorrow for 1 week. Sad.