Tuesday, February 03, 2009


It's Feb.....finally! Winter months are SO long, but here in Sevilla there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. Feb is the last of it and come March I'll be wearing a swimsuite like the lady I posted the other day......bwah!

So, I'm sitting here alone because A is gone in Ceuta this week for work. I was thinking about how before I got married I couldn't imagine being married......and now I could never imagine NOT being married. It's strange being here alone..and it's very quiet. I suppose you get used to having someone around and although at times they might annoy the CRAP out of you......you NEED them to because it's fun.

The other day I was looking at A and thinking.......This marriage bit is so EASY....why do people fail at it all of the time? I get to hang out with my best friend, tell jokes, make fake dance parties, and wonderful memories for the rest of my life. What's so difficult about that? Maybe the hard times are yet to come ( I sure hope not) but in the meantime I'm enjoying the ride and waiting for my prince to get back home. Te quiero nene!


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