Thursday, February 05, 2009

rain rain go away

seriously, the rain can stop now. it´s been raining for like two weeks straight. AHHHHHHHHH
and w my personal taxi service gone this week (antonio) i have to walk everywhere and i´m getting soaked. boo hoo.

did you know that teaching teenage girls is like stepping into hell for an hour and a half? i want to slit my wrists.....and then cut off my head. that would prob be more pleasant than listening to them giggle for ninety minutes straight. i don´t get it. if i say any word at all like lets say WHITE they act like i just said ¨hairy balls¨ and laugh for a good ten min. straight. what the heck? did i used to be this idiotic? don´t answer that. how i am going to survive until june is beyond me!

lately teaching has been a downer because parents are like hawks and knit pick every little thing and then RIP out your heart and stomp on it. overall it´s a pretty great time!


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