Sunday, April 09, 2006

Check up on it

I have a noticeably larger amount of wax on my Q tips lately. What does this mean?

It´s been almost an entire week since I´ve posted. Shocking, I know. I suppose it´s because A was gone for the entire week and I was in a sort of semi mourning state. He´s back now though..Thank God. I have no idea how we used to be apart for five months at a time. (ick, I sound like THAT Girl) He went to Bilbao (N. Spain) for a week for job training where the minimum speed limit is 90 mph.

I tried to keep myself busy by going to Starbucks and plucking my nose hairs.

Wed through Fri I was in Málaga, Spain where I used to live. I went back to visit a few friends. It was beautiful, oh how I miss the beach! My friends daughter is 9 mths. old now and she was 2 mths. old the last time I saw her. She´s adorable. She has two little teeth on the bottom and she does this super cheese smile like ¨Look at me! I have TWO whole teeth!¨ We were in a restaurant eating some breakfast (her daughter has earrings, and was playing with a doll) these 2 grandmas come up and goes ¨Is this a boy or a girl?¨ Hmm..didn´t the earrings, doll, and pink clothing give it away??

There have been 2 incidents lately with Spanish. 1) Asking for the bill....I said, ¨Can I have the bill?¨ And he goes ¨Can I have the bill PLEASE¨ First of all, no one says please here, second of all ..Thanks DAD! 2)My friend was asking for some bread at a gas station. There were 2 men working and she said what she needed to say, then he repeated it to his friend (totally making fun of her accent) So, she asked him, ¨Are you making fun of me?¨ He goes, ¨Well, YES¨ Ok then. She told her husband in the car and he almost went in and beat his face in, but guys like that just aren´t worth it. I wanted to tell him to come to the States and then we´d see who has the accent.

A and I were just dancing in his room and the dog was just sitting there staring at us. Then she wanted to join in. She´s currently sitting and staring at herself in the mirror. She´s gone poop in the house the past 2 days. NOT good!

Today is the start of Semana Santa..which is huge.......I¨ll write more about that later.

Until next time America,


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