Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Semana Santa Part 1

I recently made a list of wedding and baby presents I have to buy. The total is a whopping SEVEN baby gifts and 3 wedding gifts. I might be dried up by the time I actually want to reproduce. Just trying to save a friend a buck.

It´s Semana Santa here in Spain. Holy week. Which means my bedtime is usally 2am, there are zillions of people in the city from all over the world, and it´s AMAZING. It´s just something you have to see.

I can´t really describe Semana Santa that well for you, it´s just something you have to see with your own 2 pupils. I can tell you however, that I usually feel like a sardine...perhaps even a fondled one. It´s nearly impossible to walk and ¨walking¨is basically shuffling like a 90 yr old with a bad hip. And, while walking you are being bounced pack and forth like a ping pong ball and people are touching you that you don´t know from Adam. The other night a mans sweaty, hot, hairy arm touched mine. It gave me the willies. And then I punched him.

There are ¨floats¨ with the Virgin and Jesus and they weigh a zillion pounds. There are forty to fifty men underneath each one carrying it and they can´t see where they are going, so they are being guided by a nice man in the front. They hold these floats up with the little sticking out bones on our necks. Ouch.

There is a band for each ¨float¨ and there are people that seriously wear KKK outfits..but it doesn´t have anything to do with what we would relate it to. So, when I see these KKK outfit people I think of burning crosses and hatred ...but it´s peace and love. Oh, the irony.
I´ll write more about this later.

As we were walking home one night a very drunk old man started mumbling something and then he goes PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrr with his mouth like a big fart. I couldn´t help but laugh. He fart noised me!!

The basketball-flute playing has got to stop at four am. Who are these people??

I recently had a weird experience at the gym. There is this machine where there are four different stations. So, I was sitting down working my arms, and there was a man directly across from me working his triceps. It´s sort of like the row machine. At any rate, he was pulling and heaving and grunting..and I was sitting DIRECTLY across from him as he heaved and huffed. I couldn´t handle it and I just burst out in full fledged laughter. And then I ran..far far away.


Ps. after several months of blogging I´m just now figuring out how to post pics. Idiot=me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking out the photos. Its weird, but we have those same people here on Apple Road in Osceola. The only difference is, the people here are wearing white hats. Small world.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

glad you figured out how to post the pics....KKK in Spain....creepy...Hey when we go on our whirlwind tour of europe can we stop by and see you??? huh huh???
Randy and Lyndee are in europe we have lots of peeps to visit...we'll be there next week...ha, jk
love ya!!!

2:09 PM  
Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

glad you figured out how to post the pics....KKK in Spain....creepy...Hey when we go on our whirlwind tour of europe can we stop by and see you??? huh huh???
Randy and Lyndee are in europe we have lots of peeps to visit...we'll be there next week...ha, jk
love ya!!!

2:09 PM  

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