I have an earache. Why you might ask? Because I went to the hair salon. What does that have to do with ears? Oh, I´ll get to that.
It was time for a trim. I mean, my last haircut from hell was in November, so ya, had to do something about that. Going to the hair salon here is just about as enjoyable as going to the dentist, or the gyno. Ya, it´s that bad.
I opted for a different salon this time, because last time my head almost swiveled off my neck. This one was cheaper and they didn´t use ¨the cap¨ which was a definite bonus. However, they do highlights much different than I´m used to. They get this bowl of goo, a comb, and then start streaking your hair. It looks like a tube of toothpaste vomits all over your head. Then, they put SARAN wrap all over, you sit, and wait. I don´t feel like an idiot or anything! The lady was gesturing and then asked me if I was from England. I told her no and then I clocked her under the chin. Do these pearly whites look like they are from England?????
So, she asked me how long I had lived here and I said 1 yr. Then she said, ¨Oh you´re Spanish must be pretty good then, is that why you laughed at me when I was making gestures?¨ Me: ¨Yup. Pretty much. I´m not deaf.¨ Good times.
All was well and my life was running smoothly until I got a sudden switch of ladies and the wicked witch of the west had to wash my hair, comb it out and then cut it, and dry it. Ok, first of all. HOT WATER. I hate getting my hair washed with cold water at the hair salon. This should be illegal and cause for the death penalty. Horrible. But, even worse was the fact that she was washing my hair like I was a wet dog (including my ears) I´m not kidding folks, gobs of soap and water were gushing INTO my ears and I couldn´t hear a thing. The whole time I was like great..now I am going to be deaf. Then she did it again...Scrubbing my ears like a dirty wet dog.
For the love of all that is holy and pure. WHY? Does she not know how horrible this feels? Not to mention my neck totally cricked back to the farthest position it can go without breaking in half. Ok, the rinse is done, now it was time for conditioner. That was all fine and good until she decided to comb my hair out BEFORE putting the conditioner on. SON OF A GUN that hurt like a mother. Esp. the crick in my neck..I´m pretty sure I have a bald patch there.
The cutting part was fine but the blowdryer burnt a hole through my flesh and my ears are now permantely red.
I´m growing my hair to the ground.