Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mean Gene?

Is it bad that I´ve eaten the entire bag of ¨York peppermint patties¨ that my parents brought me last week? Or, that I´ve eaten at least 10 cadburry eggs inthe past ten minutes. I LOVE THEM!! And they don´t have them here. You can send me some if you want. Wink wink, nudge nudge. I´m pretty sure Easter isn´t really celebrated here either.

So, this is a shout out for all of you who would like to find me a job writing! No, seriously, I´m interested in free lance writing...preferably creative writing. Any ideas?? Please send me comments! I´m DYING here. I need to express more creativity. If you know anyone that´s looking or of any opportunities, please let me know! Thanks!

Remember how I told you I quit my teaching job last week? Well, yesterday I got a call from my boss´ husband! bwah! He just came here and I had to give him a few things and he gave me the money. I felt like a four year old child being reprimanded by the principal and then being sent to the corner. This has always been the reason why I avoid confrontation at all costs. I would have climbed Mt. Everest to avoid him but in the end I couldn´t avoid anymore. Not sure why I´ve always feared\hated confrontation. At any rate, I don´t have to see the demons anymore and my 300 euros are tucked neatly under my pillow for the tooth fairy.

Do you ever feel your mean gene is in overdrive? That´s all I have to say about that!


Blogger lyndee james said...

sara, try out: they don't pay anything, but you can email to find out what to do to submit articles. good luck!

11:30 PM  

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