Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Oh, was that today?

Happy Valentines Day to all of you love birds out there.

It´s been a romantic one for me, let me tell you. I decided to wax my stach this morning and Antonio ripped off the wax. Isn´t that just so sweet?

I had to teach today and one girl started bawling her eyes out at the end of class because she hadn´t finished coloring Marta the angry goat, and her mom was going to be ..not happy. So, her mom walked in to get her as she was crying and she said in English, ¨What´s happened with my daughter?¨ So, I told her in Spanish that her daughter thought she might be mad since she didn´t finish coloring. Then, the mother repeated, ¨What´s happened to my daughter?¨ Um..what the heck? Didn´t I JUST tell you what happened with your daughter? Am I speaking in Chinese here, or what the heck is going on? I abs. HATE when people do that...it´s like they don´t listen because I don´t speak with a perfect accent. I should have just rattled something off in Enlgish as fast as I could and then said, ¨U got that sweetie?¨ Parents are so annoying..haha.

I didn´t get anything for V tines day. Disappointing. Antonio thought it would be a good idea to buy me flowers or something ¨another day¨ so it would be more special. Ya, I hate that idea. He´s currently in the dog house cuddled up next to the dog.

Let down on V tines,


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