Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mission accomplished

I just got this e mail from my friend: "On my home computer we have a family filter installed that blocks adult web sites. It blocks your blog!!! Ha ha! It said your blog contains adult content. Oh Sara, Sara, Sara. "


I'm glad I'm back in America so I can catch up on all my shows like " Rock of love" with Brett Michaels and Gene Simmons Family Jewels. Don't forget Scott Baio " I'm 45 and single" Oh, and Dr. 90210. These shows are so utterly ridiculous....and oh so yummy!!!!!!! I can't get enough!

Here's a fact:Did you know that Gene Simmons has slept with over 4,000 women? Add that to your brain..you may need to know that when you are on jeopardy some day.

Hey, our cat is for sale. If you know anyone that is interested let us know. She's 2, spade and has her shots. Enclosed is a pic. Enjoy.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


We did indeed go to the fair.

This year I only ate Nelsons Golden Glow chicken, Ice Cream, Donuts, and an elephant ear. I cut out the caramel apple. I'm really trying to watch my figure. HA!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

boring life

I went to the dentist today. Good times. Cavity free! Pretty uneventful.

I'm going to the fair tonight with my parents. I love the fair. I've always gone ever since I was a little girl. It used to be the thing to do.

I think the last time I went was in 2005 with Antonio. We were standing in the pig barn looking at this pig that had balls the size of watermelons. They were gigantic. So, as we were standing there (and this is before A's english was good) this girl comes up to him and says, "Those are some big balls eh?" Antonio had no idea what she said and he just smiled and nodded. The smile and nod always works. Can't go wrong with that. Only in IN my friends.

Then we proceeded to eat elephant ears, icecream, donuts, and a caramel apple. I wasn't even full at the end of it. The most hilarious part of the story..it just so happens that the next day a nurse was coming to our house at 7am to take my blood for a cholesterol reading. (I think for my life insurance or something) Good timing. Even with eating all that it was still low. I'm an amazing human being, I know, I know.

Cheers to the fair.

Monday, July 23, 2007

more pics!

i love my life!

I survived

Well, I survived my bachelorette party this past weekend in Indy. What a good good time was had by all. We had tapas at the restaurant " Barcelona" downtown Indy which was fabulous. They brought out the biggest desert platter I've ever seen in my life (for free) followed by a complimentary shot...of course. I must go back to this place again!

Then we went back to my friends apt. and played pin the p*nis on the man and then I had a p*nis pinata. Good times.

We then went out to the bars where I had to carry around my paddle with 11 " tasks I had to complete by the end of the night." All while wearing a p*enis veil of course.

And the tasks were:

1) Write " I love Antonio" with lipstick on a mans chest. (completed)

2)When a guy talks to you act like you don't speak English (not completed)

3)Make a guy get on all fours and ride him (completed! Hilarious)

4)Get a guy to buy you a blow job shot (completed!)

5)Ask a guy to give you his boxer shorts (NOT completed)

6)Get a guy to give you a lap dance (not completed)

7)Have a guy tell you his sexual fantasy (completed)

8)Have a guy give you a serenade and then have him lick your p*nis sticker (complete!) (ever time a guy did a task I had them sign a lovely p*nis sticker and then I wore it on my arm!

9)Kiss a cop (not completed)

10)paddle someone's bootie (done!)

11) Get someones phone number (complete!) 706 589 6089 Zack!

7 out of 11 Not bad! I won't tell you what the shot talley reached to. I don't even drink...remember???????

Pics! Enjoy!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

smores galore

I've convinced my mother and uncle to put in a " fire pit" in our back-yard. Ok, I really had nothing to do with it but it sure looks pretty. I'm also looking fwd. to showing my new spanish in laws the art and beauty of smores. Marshmallow? What's that? Come to the Fisel fire pit and I'll make you a smore you'll never forget.

Katie.....here is that necklace of fifty dollar bills. Need a loan?

I had a " trial" hair and make up run for the wedding today. I walked out because I thought it was free.......the chic came out in the parking lot and gently reminded me I forgot to pay. 70 dollars later I'm driving home in my car with my hair and make up all done with nowhere to go. I sure do look good in my pj's tonight.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Shower Number Three

So, this shower was awesome because I got clothes made out of money. Coolest gift Ever! I'm 600 bucks richer.........yee ha! Check it out!

Friday, July 13, 2007


my dad has billboards. they are hilarious..here's one! enjoy.

I totally tripped walking into the grocery today. There were 3 men sitting on this bench and they saw me. So, I walked by and said, " You liked that didn't you?" Tripping=amazing.

I keep getting response cards for the wedding and I wasn't even really paying attention and $100 check fell out of the middle of one. SWEET!!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I was on my couch last night in my room and right above my couch are two skylights. It was around midnight and I looked up and saw two eyes staring at me. Needless to say I pooped in my pants several times over. It was a coon. On the roof. Looking into my window. Peeping Tom?

Then, a few days ago my mom and I heard this thud. (The whole side of our house is glass that overlooks the river). So, I look and there is a GIGANTIC groundhog that had come up onto the porch, looked in our home, and started pounding on the glass. Weird.

And then I got hit on by a mexican at the mall. I love America.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

shower number two

i had my second bridal shower today. super fun. also, here are some more pics of the wedding.

Monday, July 09, 2007

it's shower time!

I had my first shower today and got lots of fun sexy stuff. Oh the joys.

Yet another wedding!

Congrats to Kevin and Jessica!! 7-7-07

Friday, July 06, 2007

happy freaking fourth of july

I mean, fifth of July. It was fun.

It's always interesting to see my family...find out who's been sleeping with who's wife, who has a new tattoo and or piercing and where, what is the new "in" drug, and to see who has the longest mullet. I also heard the word "pink taco" used in a sentence. That's all I have to say about that.

On the 3rd of July I went to see fireworks with my cousin and uncle at a nearby park. We of course stopped at a local speedway to buy 32oz cokes for 69 cents. As we were heading down the highway I stuck my drink out the sunroof and shouted "Only in America!!!!! I love you ...go red white and blue!!!!!!!!!" That was fun.

I like looking at Americans since I don't see a group of them together that often anymore. You know, we really do dress down...I mean way down. Why do we even get dressed at all? It's just way too much of an effort. I do see the occassional pj's in public, my personal favorite is the sweats with no undies (guys only) Good times.

Yesterday we had a partay at my aunts house and ate lots of watermelon, dogs, burgers, and wild boar. Pretty standard really.

I love living on the river because we take the good ole' pontoon out for a spin around 10pm when it gets dark and you can see fireworks from all around. It actually kind of feels like a war zone and there is so much smoke I think we ran over a duck. ..or swan, or frog?

I swear I'm deaf. As we were going by this one house they let of a HUGE firework right over our heads...we had to duck for cover. I almost wet myself. Then I was like, " what, WHAT?!" I felt like we were manuvering our way through a war zone. Happy Birthday America. I hope your B day was a good one. I know I sure enjoyed the party. Happy Freaking fourth of July.....Fifth that is.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Summer Lovin'

You KNOW I'm working at Charlotte Russe again at the mall. Now don't be going and getting all jealous. My manager is 19. SWEET. Today the cutest little boy I've ever seen who was three yrs. old (maximum age) came up to me and said, " What's up baby?" I almost wet myself. He then told his mommy that I looked like the princess of his dreams. His name was Carlos Jr.

I've been so busy. I'm just, tired. But not tired enough to go watch my dad dominate tonight at this cute little bar right by our house. He was singing and playing the piano. I WISH I had my camera with me because the sign outside even said " Lyle Fisel." Good times! Karaoke is WAY better probably when you're hammered. Since I don't even really drink (eye roll) no, really, (cough) Stop that! I'm serious! (she is serious) it was hilarious for me to just watch all of these people. When did it become acceptable to show up in public places wearing wife beaters and sweats? A wife beater is NOT a shirt, it's an under shirt. I repeat, a wifebeater is NOT a shirt. It's not the main shirt anyways. I think someone should tell men this. Or maybe they should be included with a tag that reads: warning, not suitable to be worn alone, may cause serious public embarrassment. Honestly people, something needs to be done about that.

On my way home a cop pulled up behind me and followed me almost the entire way. Don't you just hate that? I was convincing myself I was hammered and he was going to pull me over and I would lose my license for life. (I had one drink) I started sweating and I noticed I touched the yellow line a little bit. Then a bug totally buzzed in my ear and it was all I could do not to swerve and hit a nearby tree. After going EXACTLY the speed limit for a good 5 minutes (which is SO nerve-racking) he turned around in someone's driveway. What cop turns around in driveways? Weird. Thats IN for ya.

People talk about guns here a lot. That's weird too.

Oh culture shock. Gotta love it. No...I know what I love...mullet men with wifebeaters. Now that is hot.