You know you fit into the culture when you can get into a verbal fight with someone on the bike. It´s like I passed my hazing test. Feb 23 marks my four year anniv. here. I´m in!
So, it was just so know how when you´re walking sometimes you are walking towards someone and they try to get out of your way but you both go the same direction? Well, that´s exactly what happened on the bike. No one´s fault, really. So, this girl, my age totally gave me attitude. I said, ¨oh my gosh¨ therefore she probably thought I had no clue how to speak Spanish. So she says JODER really loudly and sarcastically..which is basically like ¨F!!!!!¨ So, I said, basically the same thing and then she called me an asshole! GASP! This is where my claws come out. First of all I didnt even do anything and now you have the nerve to call me an asshole! I wanted to just slap the heck out of her right then and there. But then I said something like Vete a tu casa! Which is basically like means GO HOME...but it has some other meanings too. And then I sped away before she could stab me. YES!!!!! VICTORY!
PS. Yesterday my kids were writing jobs on the board and I showed them a pic of a dentist. One girl wrote denTIT. It´s just so sad because there she is looking up at me like ¨is this right¨ and i´m all ¨no, you forgot the S¨ trying my hardest not to even smile.....