Monday, January 20, 2014

15 year old in USA

My boss is looking for a family to host her 15 year old daughter in the USA next year. She is the sweetest AND she loves kids/babysitting. If you you or anyone you know are interested, e mail me!

Jan 20

Holy cow this year is flying by. I feel like I just got back from summer break.

N has had a fever since Thursday and it will not go away. Everyone says the first year would be the worst (as far as sickness goes) and it totally is. Blek. On a side note, yesterday we were doing a worksheet at home and I said ¨write your name on the paper¨ totally thinking that she had no idea how to do that and to my shock and surprise. SHE DID IT! And it was good too! It was such a happy parenting moment.  I´m glad we chose a short name. HA

Then, I got a message from a mom in her class saying her daughter has head lice. NO! I feel like people have lice here a lot more often because the weather is so nice all the time, so they never die! She does not have it for the moment but I am so OCD that when she went to bed I went in with a flashlight and was just staring at her scalp to see if I saw anything scurry by. I do not want her to have it. EVER! I would totally flip my lid. It will happen at some point though. Trust me. BUT in the meantime I will do all I can to prevent it.

So, that´s that. I´m sorry my blog has not been super awesome as of late. Now that N is in school and I work in the morning I do not walk around and see cool things anymore. And instead, here I am talking about head lice and fevers. HA!

Thursday, January 09, 2014


Yesterday I had an out of body experience. There I was sitting in a fertility clinic. I looked around and there were pictures of babies on the wall, couples anxiously waiting for their appointment with hope in their hearts and mine felt angry. How can this be happening? It´s not fair I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. But, lets be honest. They probably would have shipped me off to a looney bin.

We have been trying for ONE YEAR to make a tiny little precious baby and nothing is happening. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

When we decided to have Nora we tried for exactly ONE WEEK and I got pregnant. I took the pregnancy test and remember thinking ¨Are you serious? How could it have been this easy?¨ I honestly did not believe I had gotten pregnant that fast, but I did and it was great.

So, here I am. One of those women who is constantly  thinking about getting pregnant, being sad when I see other pregnant women and babies and wanting to secretly cry when friends tell me they are pregnant (Basically every single day someone new is pregnant).

Of course I am happy for them, but it´s hard too.

Now here we go on this journey talking about blood and sperm and who knows what other bodily fluids that no one wants to openly talk about. Especially with strangers. It´s the most uncomfortable situation that anyone could ever imagine, and we are just at the beginning of the road. Of what I feel is going to be a long, long road and who knows? If they say we need in vitro we won´t even be able to afford it anyways so then what?

Do not leave our baby unattended or I might steal it.  Ya, that´s the solution. A stolen baby. That will make us feel better, right?

¨Don´t stress about it¨ If someone else says that to me I might actually punch them in the throat. Literally.

In the end all we can do is wait, pray, and believe in His divine timing.

Ya, I think I will do that. Rest in His arms. And ask Him to bring me a baby.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Back to school!

Well, unlike the Midwest it is 65º and sunny here so life resumes as normal.

N just went back to school today after being off for two whole weeks. She cried this morning when we woke her up and said she ¨was tired and was going to miss us¨ Oh, and ¨My belly hurts¨ She pretty much says that every single morning. Poor lamb.

But, we let her take her Aurora doll to school, so she was happy about that.

Christmas break seemed to fly by this year (although I didn´t have a break because I worked but I did have three days off).

Spoiled with gifts on christmas day and yesterday (3 kings) she had so many new toys she didn´t know what to do with them all.

I know she is only three, but I did have a talk with her telling her that she needs to be HAPPY with what she gets and has because some kids have NOTHING. I want her to have a thankful heart.

Happy New Year!!!!