Happy Easter!
Easter is a bit different around here, but I try to keep the traditions alive. I hid some eggs, we painted some eggs, and I also hid her Easter Basket with some yummy goodies and a fun Dora Painting book that Nana sent. Needless to say she was very happy.
The whole day I kept telling her " Jesus is alive, Jesus loves you." I think she knows.
She is sugared out and she wanted to open up her chocolate bunny. I said no and then she went into the other room and Antonio said, " What did mommy say? And Nora said, " yes" so I walked in and saw her eating it ......ok let the manipulation begin! She is a smart smart cookie.
It's always incredible every time I see the crucifixion scene on any movie. To see with your own eyes what Jesus actually went through physically is impacting. And I'm sure it was much worse than any movie has ever portrayed.
No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs. Thank you JESUS for dying for mine!
Happy Easter!