I had to sub a class tonight and it was super fun. It´s a class I´ve actually substituted before...policemen. So, we were talking about something and this guy kept saying ¨impregnate¨ and I´m all ¨what did you say?¨ and he´s all ¨impregnate the couch with cocaine.¨ HUH?? Apparently it also means this....
1 a: to cause to be filled, imbued, permeated, or saturated b: to permeate thoroughly Who knew? Impregnate wood. That just sounds naughty. I told them to probably not say that in the USA unless they want to get punched in the face.
Speaking of words. Did you know that WOOT has just been entered in the dictionary as a real word? My friend Jenny uses it all the time. It´s definition is this:
an expression of excitement or joy, used mostly by computer aficionados. Also spelled w00t. (That is - using zeroes rather than oh's.) Typically the "w" is written in lower case. Though the term was originally limited to use on the Internet, it is now used in speech.Only in America folks. My friend was letting me listen to her Ipod the other day to an M&M song I´ve never heard. It goes something like this¨I see her "ss and it makes my P.P. go DING DA DING DING DING. Again, only in America folks.
I´m going to be an AUNT tomorrow! My bro and sis in law head into the hospital for the big C section at 11. Keep them in your prayers. Auntie Sara. WOOT! (Did I use that correctly?)