Tuesday, May 17, 2016


What an awkward afternoon. I took N to a park near our house and we got there and 90 percent of her class was there. A birthday party that she was not invited to. She could have cared less. I had to tell her not to go over to the table and get some cake! I was hurt though. Still am. I mean, as I mom of course I am going to wonder, ¨Why didn´t they invite my daughter?¨

I guess they are missing out.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

I´m baaack.

Here I am. Strapping on the old bloggin´boots again. It´s been awhile. Like, two years? I suppose a lot has changed since the last time I have written. My dad mentioned something today about me writing again. And I have been meaning to. I really have. I have gotten away from the things that I really love doing. Shame on me. Here is me promising you, my readers to do better. I suppose that´s one of the reason I stopped because I didn´t feel like I really even had any readers. Oh well. Here´s to you internet strangers! Cheers!

So, ya. Antonio´s dad passed away in Dec of 2014. It was obviously beyond sad and we miss him STILL so much every day. Life is so different without him. Like, so different. I hate him not being here. Last week we just lost the family dog too and it was just another reminder of how things are just GONE. Poof. Just like that. I miss her too. She was almost 15. Changes Changes.

I was also in the middle of a nearly three year secondary infertility battle. We both got tested and were  ¨Fine¨ which made it even more frustrating because I wanted someone to tell me something was wrong. I mean, we had a kid before so what was the deal?   I had a procedure done where they clean out your fallopian tubes and started on clomid and got pregnant two months later (after nearly three years of trying). Our second daughter was born Aug 16, 2015 and she´s perfect. Super happy.

Having two kids is super hard. I thought my oldest daughter who was five when she was born would have adjusted better as well, but we are still going through some jealousy issues, but for the most part she is loving on her all the time. My new baby is a terrible sleeper so that makes life unbearable. Like, I want to die most days. So. Damn. Tired. I am not used to it because the first was a dream boat. Everyone says ¨Oh she will sleep when she gets older.¨ Still anxiously awaiting that day! She will be nine months very soon.

I am working part time and A is working too. Life is busy,  but I want to make time for things that I enjoy. (Like drinking heavily). I kid. I kid.

Ok internet friends. Don´t want to overwhelm you too much the first day back. Talk soon. muah.