Sunday, November 20, 2005

Skin and Bones

Dogs eat bones. Isn´t that just weird? I mean, it´s not like I didn´t know that, but I was watching the dog eat some today and I was thinking the whole time, ¨She´s chewing, eating, and swallowing a bone.¨ A BONE people. The fact that it´s a bone is amazing in and of itself, plus they eat them so dang fast. How do you go about chewing a bone and then digesting it in ten seconds flat?

And I thought Jolly Ranchers were hard.

I guess the bones must have not agreed with her stomach because a few hours later we went for a walk and she had diarrhea the whole time. Every two minutes she would stop. And then she would keep walking, but in the squat position. Squirt, squirt, squirt. It was hilarious.

Today I found out that my girl bunny is in fact a he. That´s like finding out that Santa isn´t real, or the tooth fairy either. Crushing. No baby bunnies for me. Last time I checked two boy bunnies don´t reproduce. Although, times are changing. Maybe they´ll decide to adopt.

Chao bambino,


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