Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It´s bath time.

Now I know why women have hairy legs in Europe...or so the legend goes. It´s so stinkin´ cold in the winter the last thing I want to do in the shower is shave my legs with goose pimples and then have blood squirting out in every direction. There is no central air or heat here, so when it gets down to thirty degrees or twenty in the evening, it´s pretty dang cold. There are little space heaters that we use every once in a while but it´s absolutely a terrible sin if you leave them on at night because that could cause a ¨fire¨ and we could all die. Also, the shower has basically no pressure, so taking a shower when it´s cold out is pretty much a miserable experience. It doesn´t help that there is a window right by the shower and the cold air blows in. Ok, so, that´s my shower experience tonight...and every night hereafter.

There are NO cops on the road here. On the highway I mean. You could go 120 miles an hour and no one cares! People do go that fast actually, and nothing happens to them, besides they die and kill other people. Did you know that every weekend in Spain at least 40 some people die due to car accidents? That´s a lot.

The other day I saw two lesbians holding hands in the mall. One was feminine the other was probably named Butch. So, the feminine one entered the Body Shop to buy some pretty lotion while Butch leaned on the rail and smoked a cigarette. ¨She¨ had super short hair, a baggy sweater, man jeans, and man boots on. So you know I almost wet my pants when a little boy about four years old walked up to ¨her¨ and said, ¨Miss, do you have the time?¨ Classic.



Blogger katie holt said...

hey! i love this blog! you are so funny, i love it! sorry i went mia for so long. when are you going to be home for christmas? i'm thinking we need to hang out because it's looking like i'm moving to LA in the first week of january. we need to do a goofy mini reunion for anyone back in town with nothing to do...i'll be here. amber should be around, i ran into rich freeman a couple days ago, it's a stinkin small world! we need to chill, i want to hear more about the boy :o)

5:46 AM  
Blogger lyndee james said...

Sara, I don't know you. Lyndee chained me to my desk and forced me to read your blog, saying that you were the funniest person in the world. She also stated that you write like you speak.... I can understand that by the way you write... interesting blogging. Bravo.

3:15 PM  

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