Monday, November 07, 2005

Holy Monkeys it´s FREEZING

It´s 59 degrees here and ¨freezing¨ according to the natives. People are walking around with huge eskimo looking coats, gloves and scarves. While I have on a short mini and a tube top....NO not really, but COME ON! Are gloves really necessary when it´s 60 degrees?! I suppose we all adapt to temps according to where we were brought up. 0 degrees, now that´s cold. A few years ago I went to Alaska and it was -40 and that was normal for them. I thought I was going to die every time I walked outside, it literally took my breath away. So ya, sixty and freezing, interesting.

I saw a mini mullet today. This kid was only six years old. I think his parents are just setting him up for failure. Poor guy. He looked happy though...if he only knew.

So, another super market adventure today. By the way, all of the Christmas stuff is out and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. Did you know that Christmas is my favorite holiday in the whole entire history of the Universe? Rudolph was so heroic, wasn´t he? So, of course I had to buy some holiday chocolate in early November, because heck why not? Christmas only comes around once a year and I have to start celebrating it early. So, keep in mind we only want to buy two bars of chocolate. All of the check out lines have people buying groceries for the next two years. We finally get in this line where this guy had every last inch of his cart packed with food. I don´t even think a fart would have had room to maneuver in there. So, this guy looks at us, and then just starts unpacking his stuff onto the conveyer belt thing. Don´t you think he could have just offered to let us go ? Don´t you think they could have ¨fast lanes¨ for customers that have TWO stinkin´ items?! I love you Spain.

Isn´t it interesting that the people that you see almost getting into wrecks are usually ALWAYS on their dang cell phone. So, tonight I was walking to the park and I was waiting at the cross walk. The light turned red for the traffic and the green guy lit up for me. So, I start walking and this guy just tries to zoom by and the light is totally red for him. Of course other traffic was going so they honk and he slams on his breaks. What an idiot. He had some sort of BMW super fancy car and was talking on his fancy cell phone. Does he think stop light rules don´t apply to him? Is that what´s going through his small peon sized brain? So, as he slams on the breaks as oncoming traffic is coming he just does the ¨wave.¨ The wave like all of the rest of the world is wrong and he had all of the rights to zoom through the red light. Apparently the world revolves around a Spanish man with a BMW and a cheap cell phone. Were you aware of that? That´s funny, I wasn´t either.

On the way BACK from the park ANOTHER guy just zooms through red all of the while honking like an injured goose. I guess this was to inform people ¨ready or not here I come.¨ I just don´t understand the way these people drive because getting your license here is tough. You have to pay like 650 euros then take written tests plus zillions of driving hours then a big driving test. I´m stumped.

Gay people here are called ¨gays¨ just like at home. It´s funny that Antonio´s dad calls them ¨guys.¨

Another baby chic was born yesterday. 5 points for the man made incubator!



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