Saturday, November 05, 2005

Crest doesn´t work

I went to the dentist today, in Spain, weird. I was kind of nervous about it because I had no idea what it would be like, apart from some small differences, it´s kind of the same. I have a cavity so that stinks. I have to get it filled in a week. I´ll let you know how that goes. I had to get X rays of my mouth and it kind of worried me when they didn´t put that huge straight jacket looking thing over me to protect my internal organs from the harmful rays. I could feel my insides frying ...not really, but if I get cancer in a few weeks we´ll all know why.

My cell phone isn´t working AGAIN! That´s funny that I just took it in to be fixed last week. Hmm..that tells me they probably didn´t even look at it and then just told me it was fixed. Did they think I wouldn´t notice that the number one NEVER stops pulsating!

People stand too close to me in line. It´s like, they are holding my hand or something, just STAND BACK is what I feel like screaming really loudly in the store......but I don´t.

Remember how I was talking about double parking yesterday? Well, our car was parked in today, so we just got in it and honked. Honk. Honk. Honk. It worked...five minutes later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I´m tired.



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