Saturday, October 22, 2005

Somewhere over the rainbow

I saw a rainbow today. It was so beautiful. Not only is it beautiful because of what it signifies (God´s promise that he´ll never flood the earth again) but also it´s just amazing to look at. It was like the skies were divided into two parts, black and nasty-rainy then rainbow. This is the 3rd rainbow I think I´ve seen in Spain, I think there are more here..haha. One time I saw an entire rainbow...because usually you just see half of it, I have a picture. I can show it to you if you want.

Maybe on the other side of the rainbow people flush the toilet. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don´t flush the toilet after they´ve peed. I once heard someone say the rule of their house was...if it´s yellow let it mellow if it´s brown let it drown. that´s poetry. But come on, I don´t want to pee on top of someone elses smells funny.

Our dog hates the water, and swimming in the pool. She´s only gone in once and she hated every minute of it. Well, today at the campo we threw the ball for her to go get and didn´t think anything of it. None of us saw her but we all heard this SPLASH and she´d fallen in! I think she might have cut the corner too short. It was only 70 degrees today and we haven´t swam for weeks because it´s too cold, so the water had to be nice and... nippy. Antonio rushed over to get her out because the way the pool is shaped she can´t get out on her own. We were all laughing so incredibly hard. She just stood there for a second totally dazed, and then she peed. I felt bad for her though because her little paw was bleeding, I think she broke a nail! (gasp!)

Isn´t it funny how cultures all make different sounds? Like we say ¨ouch¨ and here they say ¨ay¨ or we say ¨umm¨ and they say ¨eh¨ and for a shooting noise we say ¨bang¨ and they say ¨blas¨ and we say ¨honk honk¨ and they say¨ moggie moggie¨ and there are many many more to come folks...

So, I´m trying to do laundry today and I miss the dryer. I am going to give my dryer a big hug in the States when I see it. It´s usually so sunny here in Southern Spain so no one has one. Well, when the winter months set in it´s cold and sometimes rainy and so hanging the clothes inside takes at least 2 or more days to try. Every year there is a big debate about whether we should get a dryer or not and Julia..Antonios mom is always like I need a dryer, and then by the time she is almost ready to get´s summer again! Also, I miss normal showers. Here it´s gas so every time I want hot water I have to take a match and light this thingy...and sometimes the gas runs out. (Usually when I´m in the shower) like tonight for example. I´m enjoying my scorching hot shower because that´s how I like em´and then all of the sudden BAM like someone is throwing a bucket of ice over my head. AH!! Oh shower and dryer I miss you both.

I had pizza hut for dinner tonight and it was dang good. It smelled just like it does at home. It´s funny how a smell can send your mind swirling and you remember all of these different things. I remembered my fourth grade ( i was prob ten) B day party at pizza hut. Aww. Good times. I also remembered several other slumber parties and date nights with my parents at Pizza Hut. Aww!

Parents need to take control of their children! Here especially! What´s the deal with the kids being in charge of the parents? Particularly at restaurants. Usually, parents want their children to be well behaved and sit and be quiet at the dinner table. Not here. It´s like as soon as the family gets to the restaurant the kids are off and running screaming jumping around going to talk to every table...and the parents are like ..oblivious. Incredible...simply amazing! Remind me to re read this blog when I have children someday.

Well, I´m off to watch soccer..or should I say football.

Sara Lynn


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