Friday, October 14, 2005

Tired anyone??

Buenas noches a todos! Don´t you hate it when people speak a different language to you, probably just to show off...and you´re like ¨ya, ok??¨ When Antonio was visiting the States people were talking to him in all sorts of languages, French, ..ok maybe just French but it was funny. Oh, maybe there was Italian in there too. It´s like people just throw out there whatever langauge they know, hoping he´ll catch on perhaps? I´ll be honest with you, I´ve never really understood that.

I´m still tired today. If it´s not one thing it´s another. Luckily there was no botellón last night...but you´ll never guess what kept me from sleeping. Drum roll please...a guy sitting on a park bench coughing. I thought he was going to lose a lung or something. I wanted to anonymously throw a cough drop out the window but I decided against that. I thought it might spook him out. I just couldn´t believe it though. GO HOME! Who sits on a park bench at 2 am on a Wed night...when it´s chilly outside. AH! Oh, also my bunnies kept me awake. They are still too small to leave them outside in the cage so I have them in my room. They´re constantly scratching at the box like it´s a never ending mosquito bite. I moved them into the shower.

My cell phone stopped working today. Don´t you just hate it when things stop working for NO reason at all? I can´t stand it! It was working fine yesterday, so what the heck happened while I was sleeping that it just stopped working ? It will probably take at least ten years to fix least.

I got a care package today...thank you mom!! I freaking LOVE care packages, so if you would like to send me one, please feel free. Things I miss most...Dr. Pepper, Pancakes, Pop tarts, and cheddar cheese. Random ? Perhaps. Oh, and People magazine, I´m dying without it! Anyways, my mom sent me a People and Pop tarts along with LOTS of yummy cadies..YES! It was all packed in newspaper and my friends were staring at it like I was unpacking a dead body. I was like what? I guess they were just dumbfounded by the paper because it´s so different than here. It´s true. First of all, it´s a totally different material, it´s recycled paper here and darker. Also, our papers in the States are super tall. They are so long vertically, haven´t u ever noticed that?It´s like people are bird watching, but no, they are reading the paper. Here, they are a lot shorter. Ha! Just another funny cultural difference.

Ah, the finale of my favorite show is on....gotta jet!

Unable to fix anything myself,


Blogger lyndee james said...

sara, you are great. i laugh so hard while reading your blog. =) love you!

8:53 PM  

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