Sunday, October 16, 2005

Get your own!

Today I went to church. ..why? Because it´s Sunday. For my entire life I have always gone to church on Sunday´s and I love it! What would life be like without it? Even through my college years I went to THAT´S pretty weird. I like my church here. The music rocks! It´s typical Andalucía music (which is the zone I live in) Basically, it´s one guitar and lots of big women clapping and singing their lungs out. Simple yet powerful. I like that we have communion every week and that the wine is real, no grape juice wanna be wine look a like crap here kids. Oh no, it´s the real deal. Antonio and I actually split the shot of wine we get, how hilarous is that knowing how small those cups are? It´s because the wine they serve is so sweet I can´t drink it all, it makes my cheeks curdle. Also, there is this old guy that always prays when he´s not supposed to...classic. He´s probably around 80 and his face looks like it´s made of pure wax. He knows how to pray though. Those are a few highlights of my church, I´ll think of more next week.

So, after church Antonio and I usually go to ¨coffee.¨ Although, it´s not really coffee because neither of us really like coffee. He usually gets Nestea and I get a cola cao...which is hot chocolate. But, we still continue to call it coffee because that just sounds cooler. I sound like an idiot saying, ¨Let´s go get hot chocolate.¨ I should start the trend though. Anyways, I had to pee. It´s true. So, I went directly to the bathroom while he ordered. So, I came out and noticed that this older man (about 45 or so) was talking to Antonio. Looked like a pretty intense convo. So, the guy saw me and he seemed kind of ...out of sorts. I wasn´t really sure what was going on so I just sat down and tried to act normal. So, the guy was asking where Antonio lived and asked him a few more questions and finally was like ¨OK, have a nice day.¨ Well, when he left Antonio told me he was hitting on him! For those of you that don´t know what Antonio looks like, he has black hair but he has white hair growing too. ¨Salt and pepper if you will¨ By the way, when we were home in the US my aunt asked if his hair was frosted. Ok 80´s baby? Don´t EVER ask that again! Ok, so I guess this guy was like ¨Oh my gosh your highlights are FABULOUS, they SO favor you.¨ and Antonio was like, ¨Oh, their not highlights it´s natural.¨ And this guy just flipped out and was like blah blah blah I LOVE your hair...and basically hitting on my man! Now what´s a girl to do when a MAN is hitting on her MAN? Talk about uncomfortable. Also, to add to this story...Last summer Antonio and I went to the gay pride festival in Chicago...heck, why not? Anyways, afterwards we were sitting at this diner and Antonio was by the window. This guy was walking by and TOTALLY looking back and starting at Antonio...and then he ran into a pole. We wet ourselves right then and there in the booth. I guess I shouldn´t be complaining...I suppose all this attention from other men has just thrown me for a loop. He hates it of course.

So, then we went to the ¨animal market.¨ It´s every Sunday in the town square and since we´re obsessed with animals we always go. It´s fun to compare prices too. A boxer was on sale for 300 euros! Too bad we found ours in the street for FREE when she was just a puppy...suckers! We got 3 new birds. A pair and a girl. One of the girl birds died last week (oops) so the male was kind of lonely! So, we took them to their cage and it´s so cool how they just find each other. Like the girl found the guy right away...aww, how sweet. All of the pairs are always together. I think it rocks!

Today was also a frustrating day because Antonio´s brother annoys me (oops, did I say that out loud?) my bad! I guess I just think he´s selfish and he was SMOKING in my room...GASP! The comp is in my room and he was using it and decided to smoke. I was infuriated...I HATE smoke! So...I was just so frustrated I cried. Have you ever done that before? If not I highly suggest it, it´s quite liberating. Anyways, let´s just say he won´t be smoking in my room again.

Then I went for a run in the park. Ok, what´s the deal with peeing in the park? This isn´t the first time I´ve seen´s a regular occurrence. So, this is what´s usually little girls that are four or five. ..and I´m guessing they have to pee. So, the mom takes off the girls pants and underwear and stands behind the daughter while holding her daughters legs apart around the thigh area...spread eagle while the daughters piss just splatters all over the sidewalk. (And prob on the moms shoes) Who does that? Oh, wait, a lot of people do that here. Also, I´ve seen PLENTY of little boys hot dogs flippin all over the place to water the lawn. Not such a pretty sight.

On that note, I´m Bill Clintons trousers.

Feese Dawg


Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

how sad the only people who comment on your posts are internet marketers or whatever you call them....I love reading your posts...i crap my pants everytime...almost. I feel like I can relate to most of the things you write about cultural stuff....Europe is just funny huh? People there...they'll pee on anything.

8:52 PM  

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