Friday, October 14, 2005

Don´t throw a hissy

I´m still tired today. Last night was night number 3 without sleep. What now you ask? A guitar! It was 3 am and this guy was strumming flamenco on his cheap, ugly guitar. I wanted to ....well, I´ll try to be nice. But once again I ask...Who are these people? For the love of all that is pure and holy GO TO SLEEP!

Can I just get a ruling on how gross it is that Katie (or as she wants to be called now Kate) is having Mr. I´m so cool and your glib Tom Cruises baby? There is such a big age difference between them he could be her dad. Ok, not to falt vocabulary, but once again, that´s just gross. I won´t even get into the religions they´s like comparing the comfort of a thong and regular comparison. NO similarities what so ever! How did I get on this topic?

So, today I went to the post office. Once again I was treated as a dumb foreigner. I head to send three letters and so I told the guy I wanted to send them to the States. I had already handed him 3 letters and he asked me ¨How many?¨ I thought the whole world had learned to count to AT LEAST 3! Maybe I was wrong? So, I simply replied ¨3.¨ THEN the total was 2.34. And you know when you tell someone how much something is you usually say two thirty four. Oh no, not this guy he said TWO THREE FOUR....Please ...someone help me! I try not to get upset, I really don´t, but it´s just too ridiculous for words. I suppose I should just laugh and now throw a hissy, but come on!

I saw my friend Stan today. I´m not sure if that´s his real name or not, but it´s what I´ve named him. It´s this guy that I´m pretty sure lives in the street. He´s a sight for sore eyes. Let me describe him for you, go on, take a good look. First off, he´s a tall goofy looking white guy with a semi fro. Now that´s hard to pull off for a white guy. He has a tall dorky look, but he´s kind of chunky, like he´s eaten too many Ben and Jerry´s. Today he was wearing an 80s headband, a jumpsuit with a long beaded necklace and a Jam Box on his shoulder. I think he´s confused about who he really is. He kind of looked like he didn´t know whether he was going to play basketball, a dance party, or a runway.

I just saw the movie Wedding Chasers. I´m officially going to make a statement. Will Ferrell is my hero. He was in the movie for a total of probably about 2 minutes maximum, but he made the movie. I know, I know, it´s hard to believe, it seems unbelievable, but it´s true folks. He´s simply...amazing. And with that news my friends, I bid you goodnight.

Off like a prom dress,


Blogger LdyLion said...

Sara, I'd like to make a statement regarding one of the greatest comedies ever. Yes, Will Farrel helped to make the movie even better, but I disagree with you in that he made the movie. Off the top of my head, two points of argument: Vince Vaughn's chat with the secretary and the discussion between Jeremy and Jon after the midnight rape & the gay arts festival.

Anyhoo, I also happen to see many people on the streets of Madrid who maybe quite confused about their identies. For example, for some reason, the mullet is back in Spain...who in their right mind would wear a mullet?

Ok, I'm going to bed. I plan to arise early tomorrow to study at school since mid-terms ar enext week. Yes!

1:46 AM  
Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

Can i tell you about the drunk guy who was pounding on our door at 345 this morning? Then maybe you'll not feel bad about your dude with the ugly guitar...although there WAS this horrible accordian player I lived about one summer in Bosnia...and that was pretty horrific. he sang as well....but this dude last night might have topped the charts...He's standing in front of our door...wearing nothing but his boxers and a stupid look on his face....POUNDING on our door and then grinding his teeth and shivering as I'm looking at him through the peep hole...he repeatedly used the brass knocker that I was ready to shove up his a**....So I'm like....this dude's totally wasted, we're NOT opening the I yell at him after a while...WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT??? to which he replies in a drunken stupor and a slurring his speech...."my cloothes!"....Oh wait...ya, I forgot you left them here at MY HOUSE!!!! Hold on ya big idiot! I'll go get them for ya....NO!!!! Get the heck out of here...You're the same idiot who woke us up LAST weekend dropping dumbells on the floor above our bedroom at 1am.
I wanted to kill him. But instead I went back to bed and tried to go to sleep except some OTHER moron's car alarm kept going off right outside our window and THEN!! you'll never believe 430 some girl wakes us us again pounding on the door...crying, with cell phone in hand....likely looking for her drunk boyfriend who wandered off naked into the night.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

oh, and my blog is

6:34 PM  

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