Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Don´t count your eggs before they hatch.

One of our babies chics starting pecking it´s way out today! How exciting! That´s how I woke up this morning and I was elated. I even took a picture. It was so cool because you could see the beak moving and everything. Then we left for an hour and came back and it was dead. Talk about a buzz kill. What the heck? I guess it was not supposed to be born until Thursday. Bummer.

Today we had to go to the bank. Have you ever been to a bank in Spain?? I don´t EVER reccomend that you go. It´s horrible! Let me explain why. First of all, the banks are usually small and everyone and their mother is smoking. There are no fans or any kind of ventalation for that matter so you´re pretty much dying a slow death while waiting in the gigantuos line. Also, customer service is pretty much horrible and the lady that works there is giving you the death look the whole entire time you are talking to her. Just by her eyes I could tell she was blaming me for everything that had gone wrong in her life and that with every ounce of her body she hated working there...and that she wished she´d never been born. Good way to mingle with the clients. The 1 line that they usually have open is full of about 10 people minimum. Everyone goes to the bank for everything, it´s like checks are non existent, and I pretty much think they are. There are no drive up windows or anything like that here in Spain. Don´t you dare think they would make life that simple. I´ve decided that their motto here is ¨Let´s make life as difficult as we can.¨ (aww, I´m sorry Spain. Why am I being so hard on you? It´s not as bad as I´m making it seem).

They DO have Starbucks here in Seville now which is totally heaven sent. I love it! There weren´t any until about 6 months ago and now there are 3 within walking distance. I don´t know if I should be sad about that or happy, but most of the time I´m happy! YAY! Perhaps because it reminds me of home...and ¨working¨ at Team Expansion when all of my co workers and I would go on a daily basis. Ah, now that was the life.

Then, I went running in the park.....and came back and did situps while eating a chocolate bar. Good times.

I just got done watching an amazing documentary about this woman that was born without arms and pretty much had a deformed body. She was a midget, had no arms, and her feet were kind of messed up. Well, she got pregnant..and had a baby! Her boyfriend left her but she had the baby anyways. Wow. The baby was totally healthy and it was amazing what this woman could do. To top it all off she was a painter...she painted with her mouth. Props to her because I can´t even paint stick figures with my hands! go to this website if you want to watch a documentary about a different lady without arms. Amazing!

Time for bed.
The chicken assassin,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm sad for your dead chicken. :( Happy you have Starbucks though. I went to a workshop at a convention a couple weeks that was "The Exegesis of a Starbucks Cup." It was amazing. By the way, what's with the annoying spam reply comments? Annoying.
Love Lizzie

3:07 PM  

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