Sunday, October 23, 2005

It´s a BOY!!!!!! or is it?

YES! Our first chic hatched today...and I witnessed the whole thing. Well, kind of. It takes 12 to 24 hours so I witnessed SOME of it. It was awesome. Isn´t it weird to think that something with a heart and eyes and legs and a brain grew inside of an egg for 21 days? I still can´t believe it. It´s gross to think that uneaten eggs are baby chics. Poor little chic. Oh, something else that was cool is that you can hear the baby chics peeping ( I forget how you call the sound they make) but you can hear them INSIDE the egg! You´re kidding me! That totally amazed me. YAY. Welcome to the world baby chic! Too bad I ate her/his mom for dinner.

Today I went to church, ate lunch with some friends and then went for a run in the park.

I know this couple and the lady is a clean freak...borderline sickness. Like, her hands are all raw and red because she´s constantly cleaning. She has two kids and every night before they go to bed she washes and dries their shoes. Too bad they have to get new shoes like every week because thats a lot of wear and tear. She has everything super organized and get this...every night she washes the dog and scrubs his ears with a brissle pad. Poor little dog! It used to be black now it´s grey. It will prob be white some day because she´s going to wash the color right out of it. Well, the dad just bought his son a turtle a few days ago. There is a terrace that they are able to climb to the top of the roof and now the dog puts the turtle in it´s mouth and they hide up there. How hilarious is that? That is definitely an image I would love to see. Can you imagine a dog with a turtle in it´s mouth? I wonder what the turtle is thinking?

Today Antonio´s uncle was here and I went to give him two kisses goodbye on the cheek because I thought he was leaving, and it turns out he was lonly going to the bathroom. Ya, I felt like an idiot.

Trying to sleep with peeping chics,


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