Saturday, November 12, 2005

ah, the dentist.

I tried to make the dentist fun today, I really did. A for effort. I was like OK, think positive. So I thought, Cool, I´ll try to relax for the next thirty minutes with my eyes closed so I don´t have to stare at my reflection in her goofy Dentist goggles. And then she jammed the needle in my gums and all hell broke loose. It´s humanly impossible to enjoy going to the dentist, everything about it is horrible. And it´s not even that getting a cavity hurts, that´s what´s so crazy about it, it´s just plain annoying. I had forgotten how long they leave the needle directly IN the gums, twirling it around like a baton. I seriously think it was in there for at least five minutes. And the injector thing is HUGE. What do they use a ten inch needle for goodness sakes? Then, she jams these two ¨shelf like objects¨ in between my gums so as to seperate the ¨bad tooth¨ Good Lord, I thought she broke my tooth off. Once the shot is over I always think it´s easy sailing from there, but today they were throwing me for some big loops. Then the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE starts and I can smell my tooth burning. Remember I¨m trying to be positive so I´m thinking, YA, get all that bad stuff out of there¨ and then my jaw got so tired from holding it open it started quivering. That´s never happened before. Also, the little assistant lady was pressing the sucky straw thing into my gums on the OTHER side of my mouth. So, on one side I have cavity tooth being drilled out and on the other side I have a hicky being given to me by straw lady on the inside of my mouth. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD stop with the straw! So, before we started the dentist actually told me to ¨raise my hand¨ if I experienced any discomfort. How hilarious is that? Excuse me Ms. Dentist, can you stop drilling my tooth please? I¨m pretty sure no one ever does that, but I did! I actually raised my hand and was like ¨Can you move the sucky straw thing to the other side, because it´s sucking my gums, but it´s also making me laugh.¨ Classic. So, she moved it over. Thank God. At least move it to the side I can´t feel! That´s rational thinking, right? So, finally, it was over. She gave me a drink afterwards and it all dribbled down my shirt. For some reason I felt completely humiliated like HEY give me my lip back lady. When I smiled it looked like I had suffered a stroke. Only the right side went up. I could even flare the right nostril and not the left. HOW COOL is that? You know you´re jealous. So, now my mouth is cavity free. Don´t be jealous of my fillings, there are plenty of those to go around.

Afterwards we went to the store and I came across Guiness Book of World Records 2006. Simply amazing. All I have to say is thank goodness it´s not cool in this culture to ¨stretch¨ the ear lobes.

I walked into the center today and I basically saw two parents beating their child. Never a good thing. I heard this kid screaming, he was about 8 years old. He and his parents were crossing the crosswalk and I was going one way and they were going another. But, as I turned around the dad RIPPED this water bottle out of his sons hands and just kind of started slapping him around like a rag doll. How sad, at least do that in private! Bwah!

Did you know that commercials here are seriously ten minutes long. I can get a shower, make dinner, do the laundry, hang up the laundry to dry, iron the laundry, fold the laundry, feed the dog, walk the dog, wash the dog, cut my toenails, pluck my eyebrows, sweep the floor, dust my room, clean the toilet, clean the birdcage, and then MAYBE the show will be back on. They are the longest lasting shows-commercials EVER. A show that starts at ten gets over at one thirty in the MORNING...this is NO JOKE. Simply amazing.

Able to complete a year in the aging process during one commerical,


Blogger katie holt said...

okay, that is the funniest thing i have read in a very long while. i love it! the sign off makes it though, absolutely fabulous! do you even have a dog??? i'm still laughing about the hicky on the inside of your mouth. ah, how your odd situations make my day brighter! :o) you're great! can't wait to see you around christmas!

9:05 AM  

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