Thursday, November 17, 2005

Weird o

So, I´ve been keeping up with the changing of the leaves in Indiana by the website The last time I checked it nothing was really happening yet on the leaf front, pretty standard really. I guess the span of time in which I checked it last time and this time was too long because I checked it today and all of the leaves are gone, barren, dead, empty, sad, and naked. DANG IT! I missed it! I´ll just have to get out the easel and canvas tonight and paint my own masterpiece. That´s funny if you know me because I can´t even really draw a stick person correctly.

Today I was walking in the street realizing I´ve been rather hard on Spain lately in my blog and I wanted to apologize to Spain. ¨I´m sorry Spain.¨ There, I feel better. It really is a wonderful, beautiful, and exotic country. It´s just more fun to bash it. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Weird-o. It´s just fun to say. Say it three times in a row. Weird-o Weird-o Weird-o. Today I was in the park commenting to myself that there are lots of weird-os that hibernate there. Ya, that´s right, I talk to myself, a lot. I have complete and entire conversations with ME. Today I was talking out loud, to myself, and this is how the conversation went. Before that, let me set up the situation. I was with the dog and this little girl was with her mom and she was absolutely terrified of the dog, even though I was no where near this girl. Ok, so the conversation was like, ¨How can this girl be scared of the dog? Why are children scared of dogs? Did their parents torment them with pitbulls when they wouldn´t eat their dinner or do something to them that they have this fear? I used to love dogs when I was little. My dogs a boxer. She wouldn´t even hurt a fly. Oh wait, that´s right, she´d eat it.¨

Yes folks, this was my conversation out loud to myself. Ok, who is the weird-o now? But, it´s true. Our dog eats flies and it could be the funniest thing I´ve ever seen in my life. The dog buzzes around her head a few times and all the while she chomps at it. Then, it lands on her nose and with her gigantuous tongue sweeping over her face she licks it and gulps it down. In one gulp, gone, vanished...forever. Fly stew baby!

Straight from the mouth of the weird-o


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