Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Java Java. I just like saying Java.

I´m sorry, but I just think it´s hilarious when people trip. I can´t help it. There´s something inside of me that just triggers whenever I see it. This burning laughter starts within like I downed a shot of whiskey, and then I start to chuckle, and then it turns into a full out laugh. I remember one time in the movies it was so silent and the characters were running through the woods and one of them tripped. I was the only one laughing, but I couldn´t help it! Today the victim was a total dork. We were standing at the crosswalk and he was about 50 years old with glasses and a backpack. I def. think he was just visiting Seville. So, we cross the street and as he is stepping up on the curb he just tripped. He didn´t fall, just kind of stumbled onto the sidewalk. He stumbled so much that other people obviously noticed. I kept walking straight and I couldn´t help but laugh. It´s a sickness I think. I know, I know, I´m a horrible person. But, does it make it better that I laugh at myself when I trip? I´m the kind of person that trips over my own two feet. Who does that? Oh, I do. Classic.

I went to my friends house today from basically twelve to seven and cleaned her house. I SCRUBBED her two toilets. That´s what a good friend I am. In case you ever doubted! :O)

While I was waiting for her to come to the door I had seen this weird o guy and I heard this pshhhhhhhhhhh noise. I thought he was dumping out a bottle or something. I heard it twice and just as I was walking through the door I heard it again so I looked back and he was totally puking onto someones front stoop. AMAZING: I couldn´t help but stare. I was STARING at this guy in complete amazement as he hurled out all of his entire organs at 12:30 in the afternoon on a Tuesday. Lay off on the cerveza there buddy.

The ¨fight for space¨ on the sidewalk game happened way too many times today. Don´t you just HATE that? Someone will be walking towards me and then we both go left to get out of each others way, then we both go right, then left again. It´s like we´re dancing the idiot dance in the middle of town. Ok people, if I wanted a dance partner I would get my own. Also, it´s like some people don´t move over. I was crossing the street blatantly veering towards the left and this other lady just kept going left. Get out of my way! Is it that hard to just move over a little bit? Also, ANOTHER scenario is when there are two people in front of me hogging the sidewalk walking slower than an ancient turtle. There is nothing one can do, trapped, in the slow lane. Ah, living in the city, you gotta love it.

There is something about walking through the crisp air with a hot cup of java in your hands. Starbucks that is.

Ah, I almost forgot. Ok, so as I am walking home I was totally in my own little world. This random guy came up to me and said, ¨tengo una pregunta¨ which means I have a question. He said it in a German accent and the thing is, I never even saw his face, I just kept walking. WHO does that?! What a B! But the thing is, I didn´t even realize he was talking to me until like two minutes later because I was so spaced out and then I was like, Oh my gosh, that guy was talking to me. But how is it that I didn´t even see his face? THAT is how zoned out I was. Poor guy.

Long Live Starbucks,


Blogger Brave Dave said...

I stumbled across your blog- and wanted to say thanks- you made me laugh out loud,(I needed that) I like the way you write.

12:20 AM  
Blogger lyndee james said...

count your blessings... starbucks.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Thanks a lot Brave Dave!

12:16 AM  

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