Friday, November 18, 2005

hasta la

Isn´t it awesome when you´re in the middle of an intense moment of the movie at the theatre and someones cell phone starts ringing. Then, to make it worse, they don´t even pick it up, they just let it ring like no one will notice. Ya sweetie, we noticed.

Sense of humor is so different from culture to culture. I find that if it´s a movie or something from the States I´m usually the only one that´s laughing and then if it´s a Spanish movie, I´m the only one NOT laughing. Tonight there is this show on TV where there are 3 parents and then their kids sitting in these chairs. Anyways, the host asks questions like ¨What is your daughters favorite class subject¨ (the kids are like six yrs. old) so, then the parents have to write their answers on a chalkboard and if their answers don´t match their kids the kids go over and throw a pie in their face. Everyone is laughing out of control like pee could come squirting out of their bladders at any given moment and I just sit here, in silence, like my dog just died or something. I just don´t get it!!!!!! The funny bone is not being tickled. Why is that? But then when I´m watching dumb and dumber and they swat at each other with their canes in their blue and orange attire I can´t handle it and I burst out laughing, while they just don´t get it. I wonder if I´ll ever get it? Prob not.

Yes, this kid just said hasta la vista on TV. amazing.

Today at Starbucks I ordered a Mocha and she held up one finger and said, ¨one?¨ I wanted to say, ¨No, fifty one.¨

Peace in the middle East.


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