Friday, December 09, 2005

It's my Birthday!

Do do do do do do They say it's my do do do do do I'm gonna have a good do do do do do I'm so glad it's my birthday, do do do do do do Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of the's sad that John Lennon died on the day before I was born. I never got to meet my REAL father....bwah!

No but it's my birthday today. I have always been 100 percent completely obsessed with birthdays. Not sure why, because I usually get jipped. You know the " This is your B day AND Christmas present." I'm never having a child in December. Your child could be born on December 1st and they'd still get jipped out of X mas gifts. At any rate, I am the big 25 today. TWENTY FIVE years old. Where I am in my life isn't where I pictured myself with twenty five years. I thought I would be married with a kid. Now THAT is hilarious. Things change my dear, things change. I do have several animals though, does that count?

Man, Birthdays are so fun because it's MY day to feel special. I've always had good birthdays too, no dramatic stories of how my parents forgot or anything like that. I already had four cards in my e box at 8 am! Birthdays bring back a lot of memories about USA skate parties, pizza hut party, oh and McDonalds when I was four. I got a carebear and I thought it was AWESOME. One year I was even in Alaska for my birthday. Now THAT was cold.

25 a fourth of my life gone, completed, history. Where did it go? And if it's true what they say that time only gets faster, I'll be turning fifty before I know it. It' scary thinking about getting old, but I'm going to do it gracefully (hello botox).

It's gonna be a good day, because I'm one more day closer to heaven.

Now an old and haggard 25 year old,


Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

a 1/4 of you life?? you really think you'll live to be 100? that's amazing. well, if ya do...then good for you....Hope you had a great day....

12:37 AM  

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