Thursday, December 08, 2005

English anyone?

It's so weird hearing English again. I find myself getting distracted everywhere I go because I can actually UNDERSTAND everyone's conversations. It's totally freaking me out. Going from hearing Spanish radio, TV, movies, LIFE and now's taking some getting used to.

Today at the store I bought a few things and set it on the counter, the lady actually asked me if I could move the stuff closer to her. Wow. I'm still baffled by that. Was she THAT lazy?

Also, my mom and I got pretzels at the mall and we got this special where we got pretzels and two different types of drinks. I said Mr. Pibb and she said Coke. And he was like, " What other kind of drink do you want" so my mom said " coke" (again) and yet ANOTHER time he asks...I was like Coca Cola. It was hilarious.

I saw the " Caution Deaf child" sign tonight. This sign has always intrigued me. It's not like the kid doesn't feel bad enough because it's deaf, but now they put a sign out on his or her street to let everyone know. Poor kid. It's Ok to be deaf lil' guy. We still love you.

Trying to survive the cold,


Blogger katie holt said...

FEESE! so good to talk to you tonight. i'm so excited about wednesday! i'm making copies of the report cards as we speak. :o) HYSTERICAL. i went upstairs and my mom was like, "what was that all about??" awesome. love it. i'll call you tomorrow sometime.


5:35 AM  

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