Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Big Ton Truck

The phrase, "I feel like I've been run over by a ton truck" has a whole new meaning in my life. Let me explain..

My dad is very involved with the mission here in town and a few days ago we had a dinner for the people at his office and he thought it would be nice to invite one of the guys from the mission. So, I met Jonathan. He's 54. In August he was RUN OVER by a semi that weighed...oh two tons or something like that. How is this man living and breathing? Apparently he was driving this little scooter and stopped for gas at the gas station. The semi was backing up and the breaks didn't work, and he didn't see Jon...SMASH...ran over, crushed, almost dead, just like that. So much for gas and go.

I was sitting across from him at dinner and just staring at him thinking...this man was RUN OVER by a semi. It was carrying cement blocks to make a bridge.

And I thought I had had some pretty bad days. How is this man even alive?

He actually looks pretty good, he has to walk with a cane now and his arm shakes from nerve damage, but he was RUN OVER by a semi!

He's probably going to win five million with everything and it was then that I reminded him I was a missionary...



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