Sunday, May 28, 2006


We went to the zoo yesterday. I saw lots of monkey ding dongs. They were just out, ¨hanging around¨ pun def. intended.
I LOVE the chimps. They were adorable. There was this glass that was separating them from the people so I went up to it and pretended to kiss it. The chimp came running over and kissed me through the glass. Isn´t that so romantic? I think Antonio felt a jealousy pang at that very moment.
Also, there was a baby bear that was four months old named Osuna and she was just hanging around. You could pet her and everything! I think we were in a very ghetto zoo, but hey, good times. They baby bear was walking on it´s hind legs and it was the cutest thing I´ve ever seen! There were camels, bears, lions, birds, hippos and of course the famous peacocks. Thank goodness there weren´t any rhinos..........

When I lived in KY last year I went to the zoo with my friend and her two kids. ..they are two and four. As we´re happily strolling along sipping on some lemonade and heading towards the seals BAM there it was. It was like the earth stopped rotating at that moment and the whole zoo was at a standstill. Eyes bulging, jaws dropping like it was there job, and kids tugging on mommys shirt screeching, ¨WHATS THAT!¨ IT was a rhino penis. It was longer than a firetruck and he had it out there for the whole world swinging it around like a big long firehose.

Good God put that thing away was all I could think. It traumatized me so I can´t even imagine how the children must have felt. It was following the poor little lady rhino with that thing and well..........that was my day at the zoo last year. Good thing yesterday I only saw monkey one. It was much smaller...thank goodness.


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