Monday, January 23, 2006

Mad...who´s mad?

Howdy Doodie.

Today started out with a good workout...good times.

Then I went to the city to buy a phonecard and starbucks. I saw a girl riding her bike and it looked like she was just wearing underwear her pants had fallen down so far. A and I had a good laugh about that one. Did she not notice all of the air streaming down her back? Also, a guy had his pants pulled down so far it looked like he had crapped in them a few times. Ok, wasn´t that the style in the early 90s? I hated it then and I hate it now. Buy a belt! Ate some lunch and listened to the song ¨lunch lady land¨by Adam Sandler. ¨hogies and grinders, hogies and grinders, navy beans navy beans.¨ That song rocks. That takes you way back doesn´t it?

We then went to the store to buy a female canary. We have diego, so today we bought diana. They are in the same cage, but we built a wall between them because they aren´t supposed to see each other...until the end of February. They have to gear up for the moment and then wham. They´ll see each other and it will be love at first sight...and hopefully babies won´t be too far behind. Yay canary love. It seems so simple and free.

Then I went with Antonio´s mom to get some glasses. She pretty much can´t see anymore. When she finally got her glasses she was like YAY I can see and then she looked in the mirror and was like ¨whoa, who´s that? I haven´t seen myself in so long.¨ And then she also said, ¨I hope I still think my husband is attractive.¨ And then I just lost it. Amazing. We then went to buy clothes for her..but she has a belly like she´s prego so nothing fits. And I don´t feel bad saying that because I just told her that to her face and she said, ¨I know.¨ haha. It´s open like that in Spain. People tell me I look fatter all the just go with it. Then I bought Starbucks...for the 2nd time today. I´m addicted. I need serious medical help.

THEN I got to speak with my grandparents on the phone. Amazing. Did you know my g ma has had cancer FOUR times...and is currently going through chemo. She´s amazing. Also, my g pa is the smartest man I´ve ever met in my entire life. Every time I talk to him I smile for at least a good ten minutes afterwards. I got to talk to him today and it made my year! It´s incredible what he knows at 83 yrs of age. He knows every date, time, day, hour, name, number in history! You name it. Today he was asking me about the population in Spain and then telling me all about the population compared to CA and how it´s similar and then telling me all about Spain and what he had read. I mean the man reads. He´s a genius! If you need to know, just ask him. He has it stored in his special chip in his brain. Down to the exact detail. They´re driving from IN to FL in a few days...and he´s 83. He goes, ¨Ya, it´s not too bad of a drive.¨ Oh, and then he said, ¨Hey where is MAAAAD Rid? Like Mad Rid with a super accent on the AAAAAAAAAAAAA part of Madrid. It took me a few seconds to figure out what the heck he was talking about, and then my heart sprung a leak and I loved him even more for saying it that way. I love you grandpa!

Hats off to you Maaaaaaaadrid.


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