Monday, January 16, 2006

It´s hotter than a match head.

Light a match. That´s what I do anyways. Ya know, when you go number 2, take the kids to the pool, let the turtle swim..ya get my drift. Ya, so if you don´t want the bathroom smelling like a sewage plant ....just light a match. It takes the sulfur out of the air and it doesn´t smell like what just happened in the bathroom actually happened. So, I did that yesterday...I lit a match, only the spark went down my long sleeved shirt and I screamed as it burnt a hole through my flesh. Now I have a nice battle wound ..........but I still light matches. If I have a scar I will be proud to share this story with my grandchildren.

Funniest thing ever...There was this parking space that was OBVIOUSLY too small for any car to fit into, but this one chic was convinced that her car was special. So, she backs up (like she´s getting ready for a fight) and then she pumps the gas and rams her car into this space. All the while hitting the two cars that were on either side of this space. Are you kidding me? Did that JUST happen? Idiot alert! Side note:there was another parking spot not two feet away.

What are people thinking??

Today I went to the gym alone because A was running errands. I did those two where you basically spread your legs really wide, and then the other where you pull them in. You know the ones I´m talking about? Well, this guy was totally staring at me when I was pulsating my legs out. Talk about uncomfortable, but the pulsating must go on!

I saw the movie CRASH last night, I highly reccomend it!!

Careful with fire,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason a match obliterates the smell of feces is that our olfactory receptors are much more sensitive to the sulphur gases emitted by matches. Hence, it's the main thing we smell, even in the presence of other, more undesirable odors.

8:23 PM  

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