Saturday, December 31, 2005

Spanish turf

Well, I´m back on Spanish soil. Traveling takes so dang long. It´s at least 24 hours to get here. I took the bus to Chicago then flew to Paris. The flight was absolutely packed, besides the seat next to me that was 100 percent EMPTY: yee ha! I was just waiting for a big, hairy, fat smelly guy to sit next to me, but it never happened. Thank you LORD! They played OK movies and it was only a 7 hr flt with the tail winds, so that rocked the house out. So, when I bought my tkts. I was not aware that I had to change airports in Paris, so I was pretty much nervous about this the whole way there. I mean, let´s face it, the French aren´t really known for their friendliness to helping foreigners. AKA complete JERK OFFS.

But, it all worked out fine, I had to get my suitcase then find the bus to the other airport. It was about a 35 minute ride. It´s so random when people just start talking to you in a language you can´t understand. I felt helpless and then I said Bonjour? Then of course they went away. Works every time. Got to Spain and Antonio wasn´t even there! Neato! He was late, but I was extremely early. The two times I had to get my suitcase it was the first one. That has never happened in the history of my traveling, and I´ve been a few places. Yipee.

side note:Moving your seat back in an airplane is just like ripping of a band aid on a hairy arm, you just do it. (my advice to you future travelers).

It was good to be home and enjoy the holidays with fam and friends. I saw lots of peeps and enjoyed my time, however I am completely enjoying the 70 degree weather here...yipee!!!!!!! Bye bye snow, hello know, for the feet.

Bye Indiana. I´ll always love you.


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