Sunday, January 01, 2006


I didn´t choke..on the grapes that is, but I did eat octopus and I almost choked on its awfulness. -horrible-

My new years eve was pretty good, it´s usually a fun night for me sitting at home, but then I´m forced to go out to some lame party and wanting to go home by 12:30. We went out with two of A´s friends to the city. Right off the bat I saw an extremely drunk girl that was doing the drunk walk and then just plopped down in the middle of the sidewalk not wanting to move....ever. Then, I saw these two men swaying to and fro like they´d just gotten off of a ship at sea. This man was in VERY bad shape. They were walking along and then he just plopped down in this chair that just happened to be there burying his head in his hands, and not ever wanting to see light, again, in this lifetime. He sat there for about ten minutes and of course I just stared at him. No shame. Then, his drunk friend tried to get him up. I thought he was going to puke, or at least have a big pee stain, but he didn´t. (pretty disappointed really) So, they turned around and continued to sway down the street. Where they were one knows, probably not even them. I am so glad I saw these two cases at the beginning of the night because it reminded me not to drink. I kept thinking, ¨That could be me.¨ So, I just had one drink and ..that´s it!

Today I woke up at 2pm. because we didn´t get home until 6am. This is what kills me about Spain is that it´s NORMAL to stay out until 6, 7, 8 or even 9 in the morning!!!!!!!! My body was not meant for this, I´m too old. I´m probably already going through menopause.

Enjoy 2006. Peace, love, and octopus all around.



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