Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Beat with an ugly stick

First things first I would like to thank my friend Chris for having such a keen eye and telling me to rapidly change my previous entry where I had written feliz ano and prospero ano. ANO=butthole. So I basically said ¨Happy butthole and prosperous butthole.¨ ANO instead of AÑO. YES!

A few weeks ago I had a dream about a girl in my highschool that I hadn´t thought of or talked to SINCE highschool. I had a dream she was pregnant. Yesterday I was talking online with a friend of mine who is friends with this girl. And she goes, ¨Do you remember so and so?¨ And I was like, ¨Ya, I just had a dream last week that she was prego.¨ And my friend goes, ¨SHE IS!!!¨ ooooeeeeeooooeoeee twilight zone. I should set up a little glass ball and buy a weird headress and set up shop!

I started the gym today...YES! It was awesome. The guy that works there is muscles with legs. He basically told us what to do, but that´s OK because he´s obviously in better shape than I am. It´s awesome working out and seeing huge posters of chics with thongs and manly muscles. There is actually this one poster where this huge manly lady is gripping a rose and there is blood running down her arm. Now THAT is hot. I hope that´s me someday.

Today A´s friends came over for lunch. One of them is just out of control. He comes over, A´s mom cuts his hair, he gets a shower, and then he complains that lunch is not salty enough.

We were walking down the street tonight and were stopped for a minute and A turned to me and said to me in English, ¨Why are you so ugly?¨ Let that sink in for a minute.

hmm...what, excuse me???????? After he saw the horrid shocked look on my face he realized he´d made a boo boo. Supposedly he meant to say... Why are you so BORED? hmmm...........bored and ugly don´t sound even remotely similar. He´s still in the doghouse for that one.

Then, as we were walking along and I was still pouting he stepped on a BRA in the middle of the street. I started laughing hysterically because there was a BRA in the middle of the crowded city street and he was totally oblivious to that fact that there was a BRA AND that he had stepped on it. Life just keeps getting better.

So, as we were walking A tore this piece of paper off of the wall...some sort of advertisement or something, and had rolled it up into a little ball to play with it. As we were crossing the st. to our apt. he throws it at me, thinking it´s just going to bounce of. Not me folks. That would make life too easy. Instead it gets jammed into the corner of my mouth and I´m like spitting and waving my tongue around and it´s just not coming out. By this time I feel like we had drawn a crowd or something. How embarrassing! All of these things happened in less than an hour. I told you, life is too funny not to write about. I probably have AIDS now or something.

And on that note folks, I´m off to do my first ever Pilates DVD right here on the comfort of my own cold, freezing, hard, tile floor.

The Ugly Duckling,


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