Friday, January 27, 2006

A little privacy please?

So, I had just woken up and I was sitting on the toilet enjoying my first morning pee when click, the door opened a crack. I was thinking hmm...I thought I had shut that all the way. It was Antonio´s mom. She opened the door a crack and she goes, ¨Can I come in? I need to get something.¨ Umm. ¨No.¨ And she goes ¨Oh, come on...¨ And she just walked right in, opened the closet, got the broom and dust pan out and goes, ¨thanks¨ Then the door closed. Click. It was all over just like that. As I´m still on the toilet with my pants pulled down I said to myself, ¨Did that just happen?¨ And then I started laughing hysterically, on the toilet, all by myself.......only me, only me.

This afternoon after I had worked out I went to my locker room to take a shower. Only, as I walked in there was a man standing there washing his hands. Hmm. Apparently he had gotten confused and walked into the wrong locker room. Thank GOD he didn´t walk in when I was hopping out of the shower...naked. Can you even imagine that? Actually, I´m kind of surprised that DIDN´T happen...maybe tomorrow.

It´s raining live animals right now....and it´s supposed to be that way for the next three days. Ick.

I talked to my friend yesterday online and he said, ¨It´s snowing balls here in Chicago.¨ Oh how I miss how my friends talk. I laughed for about an hour afterwards. yup. The little things entertain me.

Trying to pee in peace,


Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

have I told you lately how much I love reading your blog and that you are awesome? Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.
Hey how's the shin? Hope your healin' up...but why didn't you just go outside for your shower if it was raining so hard? you could save yourself a lotta heartache that was sister.

2:34 AM  

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