Wednesday, January 26, 2011

over the top

So, I just got back from the gym and I do a butt, thighs, abs class. This girls thong was hanging out the whole time. Really? First of all I do not want to see that..second of the heck do you work out in a thong? That takes some serious talent! How can she even find that thing when she´s done? It has to be so far shoved up her arse that it might possibly be a new apendage or something. Intense.

Also, I hate when people leave total skid marks on the toilet and all I have to do is pee. I come out and you KNOW the person going in next thinks I left the skids......but I DIDN´T! It WAS NOT ME! I SWEAR! It´s funny how I get embarrassed about things like that and I didnt´even do anything. And I will never see these people again so who really cares?? But still...skids, gross.


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