Tuesday, January 18, 2011

11 months

Dear Nora,
Today you turn 11 months old and you are weighing in at 27 pounds. You are not gaining a trillion pounds a month anymore since you are A NON STOP CRAZY BABY! This month has been wild and you have changed SO incredibly much I can´t even believe my eyes. It seems like each day that passes you are less and less like a baby and more like a little toddler. You are thinning out and unfortunately losing your baby chunk! You do have some nice thighs though..I´ll take it!

This past month you celebrated your first Christmas and Three Kings day and I´m pretty sure you could have cared less about either. I went to IN this past month and left you for an entire week with your abuelos and daddy. I missed you SO much but they did a good job of taking care of you. When I came back and you saw me you kind of let out this cackle laugh. It was hilarious! I was afraid that you would forget me and not be able to latch on anymore, but all is well and it was like I never left. I convinced everyone not to buy you a million toys so you don´t get overly spoiled and to my surprise they all listened. Between your abuelos and nana and pa I think you got three toys. Not too shabby and and this point in time you would much rather play with a plastic cup or a spoon..so why spend money on toys?

We took you to the parade to see the three Kings and while we were waiting you got very impatient so I bought you a Dora balloon. You loved it!!!! You were so thrilled with your balloon that I don´t even think you noticed the three kings. You absolutely love Dora and I bought you a pair of Pj´s with dora too. Everytime I get them out for you to wear I show them to you and you start laughing immediately.

This month you can now do so many things ie. wave bye bye, kisses,point, clap your hands, and you are even WALKING ten steps or so alone. It´s kinda funny to see something so small walking around. You want nothing to do with crawling and want to WALK everywhere..but you are speed racer and get ahead of yourself so you fall down quickly. If you would just SLOW DOWN I think you could walk a lot further. I´m trying to teach you a few signs like ¨more¨ and ¨finished¨ so we can communicate better. So far you just laugh hysterically at me when I try to teach you. I think you think I´m crazy. Now you know where you get it from!

You are such a good eater and sleeper and we are so lucky. You recently tried fish and I was waiting for the ¨eww¨ face and it never came. You ate it right up! You pretty much eat everything on the menu now from chicken to turkey to fish to lentels and of course fruit and cereal! I hope you keep this attitude up! I think your favorite food is cheese...you LOVE it! You sleep 11 to 12hours a night and are taking two naps during the day. I hope you keep this up too!

You still have eight teeth and you scrunch up your face and make the ¨old lady face¨ as they call it here. It´s adorable and I want to squeeze your face off.

You have never really gone through separation anxiety and you love strangers and other kids. I think you might do something with music because you can´t get enough! Your new things is ¨bouncing¨ or ¨rocking¨ in your stroller and I think the wheels are going to come off. I guess you´ve discovered that you´ve got rhythm girlfriend.

It seems like you are so fearless. You love animals and your abuelas Boxer Chiqui. You like to pat her and play with her. Yesterday we took you to the park to feed the doves and they were on your stroller and everything. Instead of being scared you were TOUCHING their wings. Thank goodness I had wipies!

You did have a small cough this past month but luckily it was nothing major. You´ve only had about two colds in your life and we thank God daily for your heatlh and for YOU! Happy 11 months monkey. We love you so much. Thanks for making each day better than yesterday.

Love you,


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