Friday, January 14, 2011

clean as a whistle

I usually clean on Friday´s. Good news takes me like a half an hour to clean our whole place since iet´s so small. How about them apples? I like to be clean...I like to smell good and I like our house to be clean and I love doing laundry. I literally get excited when the laundry bag is full. Yipee. However, I do not like to iron and cook so I leave the cooking up to A and I rarely buy things that need ironed i.e. blouses.

Today I realized I´m a terrible deep cleaner. Surface cleaning..amazing..deep cleaning..not so much. Dang! I need to get better at that. I´m thinking it´s because I´m too lazy..but not lazy enough to actually clean..just too lazy to SUPER clean if that makes sense? jeez.

On a side friend who is a Physical Therapist looked at my knee yesterday since it´s still hurting after my bike incident. I have a really badly bruised ligament and I need to keep massaging it and exercise will help. yes!

The weather is ridiculously nice´s been 65º the past couple of days. This month are the ¨sales¨ in Sevilla and I got Nora some really cute things at H and M. When you have kids you no longer want to buy for yourself but just for your kids. I even spend MY gift cards on HER. But I love it!

Tonight we went downtown because A is on the hunt for some new shoes and some random old ladies stopped and were talking to Nora and they were carressing her hands..this drives me insane..some strangers touching my daughters´nt you know that´s the first thing that goes in her mouth?! Ugh, so I always have to like towelette her when people leave. ha! It just freaks me´nt touch other peoples babies!

I think it would be hard to be a street performer and or begger. Just thought I´d throw that out there.

Whats this about new zodiac signs? I´m the new one and I can´t even spell it. Weirdness.

Ok, these are all my random thoughts for today. TGIF!


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