Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last night when I was in my bed I thought of something awesome to write about today..and now I can´t remember what that something was. So, I´m just going to write about random stuff that pops up in my head! Sounds like a good time doesn´t it?

Yesterday on our walk two people called Nora a boy which kind of...ok, it always annoys me. Don´t you see her earrings people? It´s a battle I can´t seem to win.

I´ve worked in three different academies and today I visited one to show them how big Nora has gotten since it´s been awhile. They were surprised at how big she was and how skinny I was. Thank you very much! Everyone told me it would take a year to get back to my regular size and they were right. Right around the eleven month mark. I finally weigh the same as before but that doesn´t mean my body looks the same. Things have shifted in flight. Oh well! It also really doesn´t matter how big your belly is during pregnancy. That´s not a way to see how big your baby will be cuz mine was HUGE and my baby was smaller than most of my friends. Did you see that Orlando Blooms super model wife had a nine pound twelve ounce baby WITHOUT drugs? Wow. Stupid? Absolutely.

I think Spanish women are freaks of nature..seriously. I need some of their genes. I went for a walk today and I saw at least ten women with three month old babies or younger and they all had their high heels on with their rockin amazes me every single time. How do they do it? Seriously. I want to know. I´m on a mission to find out!

We take a walk every morning and every evening and Nora loves the street. Maybe she´ll choose to be homeless when she gets older just so she can be in the streets. ha! As we walk the same paths I wonder how many times have I actually walked the same street? five hundred? one thousand? Crazy to think about. I also live in Seville, Spain.I see a cathedral every day and live in a city where people go on vacation. WEIRD! It´s been almost six years which is unbelievable to me and to be honest I´m kinda proud of myself for being able to stick it out here and raise a daughter in a different country! Kind of funny for an Osceola, IN girl to say! I was the kid who didn´t even want to spend the night at my friends house when I was little cuz I would cry and want to go home. Now I see my family twice a year if I´m lucky. It´s tough! It kills me that my loved ones only see Nora once a year!! Oh the sacrifices we make for love!

I need a new job. What am I going to be a retired ESL teacher when I´m fifty? It´s year four and I´m so over it. I WANT an American job that I can do from Spain like translation or writing. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I might go crazy. I´m pretty much a stay at home mom at this point which I LOVE and I think it would be awesome to be able to do computer stuff from home. I need to be creative and I´d like to work a little and be w Nora most of the time. Sometimes I feel like just being w Nora isn´t enough..I need to do more! Am I going to be a retired stay at home mom???

Now that Nora is rounding the year mark it´s time to think about baby number two. ..or is it? How far apart should we have our kids? I really want another kid but I do not want to be prego. ick!How many kids should we have? Do moms ever really feel ¨done¨ or is it just circumstances that cause them to be done? i.e. money, space, etc.

I miss my friends.

Ok, that´s all that´s popping into my head at the moment. Write to me. I´m lonely!


Blogger Stacey Gibson said...

aw Sara, I'm with you on the retired SAHM thing. It doesn't sound too glamorous. But it's a valuable job nonetheless. You could always look into becoming a spy for the CIA....hmmm. As for baby #2. I think 2 yrs is a good gap, but really just cause of my own family and how far about me and my siblings were. AND that ours will be exactly 2 yrs apart. We'll see when this one gets here in a few months if it was a good or bad idea.

8:51 AM  

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