Sunday, February 04, 2007


Hi people.

I had a fabulous weekend. The three friends that I actually DO have all wanted to do something (tear) I feel so special. There was lots of Starbucks action going on! Yipee.

It´s been rainy and cold here but the sun did decide to shine today so I took a nice long walk in the park. Loved it! Nothing funny happened though.

Sat night we went to a bar (sigh) I think I would rather let a tarantula walk on my face than go to smokey bars. That´s the thing, I´m not even anti bars, I like bars. I would live in a bar if I could, it´s the smoke thing that bothers me. Everyone and their mother smokes here and it´s like I leave the place with black lung. I´m lungless. I can´t even see a thing through the gigantuous cloud of smoke and I can´t see because my eyes are burning so bad it feels like someone threw acid in them. But, I did it all for the sacrifice of my friend Meghan who was visiting from Madrid (hi Meg) At anyrate, the bar is fabulous because it has live music..I´m not just talking any music I¨m talking Sevillanas. I mean, you really can´t get much better than ends with Sevillanas. Note: I was doing a lot of people watching and Spanish men have fantastic hair. Fantastic. It´s so black and think and gorgeous. Thank God for beautiful Spanish man hair. Luckily A man will officially NEVER go bald. YIPEE!

I´m off to fondle his hair.


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