Monday, January 15, 2007

grumpy granny

Man, I can´t believe I didn´t remember to tell you this story before. Or maybe I did and I have forgotten! I was reminded tonight when I saw her again. Let me set up the situation here...

Every Mon and Wed night I have dance class. Afterwards, walking out on the sidewalk a few of the ladies and I chat for a moment. I suppose we are ¨blocking¨ the sidewalk but it´s 730 pm at this time and it´s not a major deal. Well, a few weeks ago I was just standing there chatting away and ¨crack¨ I felt a jab in my side and I seriously almost fell over (and cracked a rib). This hobbit 85 year old grandma pushed me out of her way in her hag age rage and said ¨GET OUT OF THE WAY¨ Ok, I almost fell over because she pushed me but also because..umm..what..double take, did that REALLY just happen? I´m pretty sure I had my mouth open for a good ten minutes. Insane.

So, tonight I´m standing there with Julia and her sister and cousin and this g ma comes buy and does the same thing! But not to me to Julia´s sister who is like 60. Wow, this is just out of control. I wonder what has caused her to be such an angry old g ma? Maybe I should have a talk with her next time she pushes me, or better yet, I might push her and see how she likes it. I secretly hope she falls over and dies.

But, that´s just between you and me.


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