Monday, September 04, 2006

Ready to attack

Well look who´s here lil miss Sara Fisel has arrived safely to Spain yet again. I can´t get over flying, it´s just so hilarious to me. You think I´d be used to it by now, but it kills me everytime. Chicago, frankfurt germany, barcelona then seville.

Here are some things that crack me up about travel.

1) Why is it that people always have trouble finding their seats on the plane?? Your ticket stub says 1A, so to me it´s pretty self explanatory. Aisle 1 seat A. Why is there always that one couple that´s like ¨honey, I can´t find the seat, where is our seat?¨ The only explanation for not being able to find your seat is that you are illiterate or blind...or a complete moron.
2)Planes stink. I hate when you get on the plane and it´s hotter than hades. So, you sit there for 30 minutes sweating and ¨taxying¨ and then the AC comes on. My personal favorite is when they are going to serve the hot food and the whole plane smells like a sewage tank. By the time they get to me I usually have the barf bag in hand a I wave them on by. Disgusting.
This past flight I was fortunate enough to sit next to a smelly person on each and every flight. Amazing.
3)The plastic toilet seats at airports. When I push that button is new clean plastic coming out, or are they just rotating the old one? How am I to be sure? How can you have that much plastic back behind the toilet? Is there a person behind the toilet changing the plastic every single time I push the button? If so, that´s probably a job I´m going to look into in the future.

After being on a plane the last thing you want to do is have to stand in a gingantic line. In Frankfurt there were TWO passport control people for literally 500 people. We were in this long hallway being herded like cattle. I also loved the old lady telling people what to do and then people going up to her and cussing her out. When you step out of the situation and forget that you are tired, hungry, sweaty and stressed and actually try to be nice, and watch other people being real A holes, I felt embarrassed for them. And they were usually Americans. Go figure.

Although, when we landed in Barcelona and I thought we were all going to die because it was the worst landing in the history of landings I didn´t feel bad when I got off the plane and said ¨nice landing¨ to the pilot. I said it with as much sarcasm as possible and man did it feel good. I actually started cracking up when I walked off the plane cuz I was delirious and also I thought to myself ¨You´re such a bad bad witch sara¨ but hey, it was a HORRIBLE landing someone had to tell him.

You know when you are in a Spanish airport because everyone has their dog with them. I sat next to this lady in the airport and her dog was on her lap. These aren´t lead dogs or anything, just little yappers.

But, I´m back...getting used to the food, language, people, time change, etc. Oh, and it´s ridiculously hot, but thank God we are buying a portable air conditioner tonight! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get ready Spain....she´s back...........


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