Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sb pscyho

My mom ran over a frog yesterday while mowing. I was washing my car and as she walked by she said, "I just ran over a frog, I skinned it alive." Cool, frog legs for dinner! That's about the most exciting thing going on right now.

I had a fun weekend in Indy and I have to tell you about this lady I met at Starbucks on the way down. She was in front of me in line and then I ordered a peppermint mocha like I always do. In a very overly loud voice she screams in a southern accent similar to britney spears " OH, that sounds soooooooooo good." So, then she says (while rubbing my arm) "What are you doing today sweetie?" I don' t like when perfect strangers call me sweetie or carress my arm. I told her I was visiting from South Bend and that I would be in town for the weekend. She said, "Oh, you be careful driving and be careful with your friends. I know you gals like to get silly, but don't get silly, God loves you, God Bless you. Do you go to church?" Umm..weren't we just talking about a peppermint mocha and now we're talking about the state of my soul? When I told her I was a missionary in Spain she freaked out and started doing a circus monkey dance. I left and while in my car I couldn't help but laugh. Did that just really happen? Oh yes it did.

silly sally,


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