Tuesday, August 29, 2006

We are family..hey hey hey

Man, so much to write and so little time!

Schol's chewing tobacco, mullets, drugs, alcohol, sleeping around=things my family does. Last weekend I was gone "visiting family" you know, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. I was blown away when I drove to "IGA" to pick up some fried chicken and my uncle and cousin had never seen a GPS system before. They were like, "WHAT is that?" Like an alien had taken over the body of the car and had extracted itself through the GPS. So, I explained to them what a GPS does and how it works etc. How can they not know what a GPS is? But, then again my uncle has a mullet, was chewing schol and had a beer in his hand. My mom is a Smith, and comes from smalltown Indiana but went off to college and is the only one of eight kids who has gone to college and didn't get pregnant at 17, and she's not divorced. Thank God!! Many of my uncles are druggies, alcoholics, and think it's fun to shoot "coons" at night time. I on the other hand, like to watch a good episode of Dr. 90210 while painting my nails. You can see how our two worlds would possibly collide. But, at the end of the day when it's all said and done I love all of my family so much and I wouldn't trade them for anything. It makes for a good episode of Jerry Springer anyway!

To come:Indian party details, dog food etc.


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