Monday, August 14, 2006

he she it we

My dad pronounces Jimmy Buffets name like B.U.F.F.E.T. Like...eating at a buffet. That just has to stop.

Also, our dog is a male, Gunnar. For some reason my parents just can't stop calling him SHE and HER. WHY is it so hard to say HE if it's a male? I just don't understand it. Can someone please help me understand this. I've corrected them for the past two months and they just aren't getting it. I'm surprised they don't call me Matt (my brothers name) HILARIOUS!!!!!

I love being at home though and I love my parents, they rock!!!! I only have 2.5 weeks left and I'm getting sad.

Did I tell you I saw an old grandpa grinding a 20 year old at a bar in Indy last weekend? Yikes. The world is officially coming to an end.


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